Good Idea?

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As he rushed down to fight the demon that had taken the villagers and the pilgrims, he stopped when he was right behind them still in the air and out of sight so he could see exactly how many people there were and what sort of demon he was dealing with. He saw that there were about 200 to 300 people, and the demon was a tiger demon, but not like the one he fought when he first got his staff and became The Monkey King. No, this one was larger and was black with blue stripes that looked to almost glow in the dark.

After seeing what the demon was and knowing how many people were there, he flew down and hit the demon on the back of the head, sending him flying forwards and releasing the rope that held the villagers and pilgrims. All of the captives were happy to see him, minus pigsy, and they all came to him and thanked him for taking care of the demon, but MK just shushed them and turned to where the demon landed. He then began to stare at something getting into a defensive position, and everyone looked to where his gaze was, then seeing the demon coming back for round 2.

MK prepared for his attack and yelled at the others behind him, "Go back to the village, and out the way so I don't risk hurting you!" Pigsy just agreed and ran back with the villagers, but Tripitaka and Sandy went to object only to stop when they saw MK give them a look of determination and approval, then saying, "I know you can protect them." They then agreed with MK and went back with the villagers to get out his way, and MK turned back to face the demon coming towards him and blocked his fist with his staff. The force was enough to push him back but only slightly as he held his ground, then pushed against the demon and did the same. Their fight then just became one of strength, of who could last the longest and who would falter first.

They stayed like this for a while with the ground beneath their feet cracking from the pressure and show of strength, then the demons foot slipped and MK took the opportunity to push further knocking the demon off balance and hitting them so hard in the face with Stick that you could hear his skull crack. After the demon fell to the ground, MK stood above it triumphant and was sort of surprised when Pigsy, Sandy, and Tripitaka all appeared from behind a rock not far away, they all had horrified looks on their faces which MK just looked at them confused. Then it hit him, their deal, he then checked the demon to find out he actually had killed him, so he knew what was coping next, but he still wasn't prepared for it.

Tripitaka looked at him, still horrified by what MK had done, but brought his left hand to a praying motion and began reciting the sutra, and a moment after starting it Monkey King grabbed his head as the crown tightened and he thought he was screaming but he couldn't hear himself. The crown was now so tight around his head. MK thought he heard his skull crack, but one thing he knew happened was he felt something wet trickle down his face and when the crown stopped the pain was still there and took a while to disappear fully. However, when it did, he checked what the liquid was and found it to be blood that had fallen from his head. He then looked at his master with a sad yet still pained expression, and Tripitaka had one of regret.

Now, knowing what the crown did, MK knew he had to work harder to not kill any demons, but he also disliked Tripitaka for a bit afterwards (as you would) so he just ignored his existence and went back to the Inn to get some sleep and clean the blood off of his head.


After Monkey King left, Tripitaka felt guilty for hurting MK, but he knew he had to do it as it was in the deal he agreed to, although it didn't get rid of the rock that had formed in his stomach. He turned to look at his other 2 disciples, who had the same expression, but Pigsy, being Pigsy, tried to hide it and failed miserably, so he just turned away so no one could see his face. He then looked back to see MK was far out of sight as he had used his staff to get back so they could begin to walk back without it becoming more awkward.

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