Chapter 12: A Vampire?

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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness





On the outskirts of Bucharest, one could find an ominous view of a massive gothic castle nestled in the heart of Romania, its dark silhouette standing tall and distinguished even against the night sky. The castle, historically belonging to none other than the infamous Vlad the Impaler, exuded an eerie aura, hinting at the horrors that rested within its ancient, blood-soaked walls.

To some, it stood as a monument of their nation’s greatest hero who protected his country from threats within and without, while for others it was nothing but the long shadow of an ancient and terrible monster. 

The focus swiftly shifted to a large cavern attached to a series of hidden tunnels beneath the castle, painting a picture of devastation and despair. The ground was soaked in blood and held a stench that would have broken down even the most iron willed beings — a testament to the brutality that had unfolded here. 

A score of vampires remained upright, but were utterly lifeless — their bodies impaled upon large obsidian-colored stakes that jutted out from the earth, dyed crimson with their blood. It made for a most gruesome and macabre sight.

In the midst of this horrific tableau, Marius Tepes knelt, barely clinging to life when so many others had already fallen into the embrace of death. His body was covered in wounds, a testament to the fierce battle that has taken place which he’d survived.

…No, this could not be called a battle, for that would imply both sides had had similar odds of emerging victorious. Calling it a one-sided massacre would be far more appropriate. And he hadn’t survived either, for that would mean he still lived due to his own merits. He’d been left alive.

Blood continued to pour from his torn flesh, staining the ground beneath him as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

"Haa… Haa… Haa…" Who was left alive? Every one of his soldiers that’d been present had been killed off in the blink of an eye. And if any did remain they were most likely too terrified to even come to their lord’s aid.

"This… this can't be… happening." 

As Marius fought to stay alive, his mind raced, desperately trying to piece together the events that led to this nightmarish reality. 




Marius and his men delved into the newly-discovered depths beneath the castle, driven by the sole purpose of finding his half-breed half-sister Valerie; a girl who despite being utterly pathetic, he could not afford to lose no matter what. 

Not when her Sacred Gear represented the main pillar of his power and future plans for the Tepes faction — a most useful tool.

However, his quest to find her took an unexpected turn when he discovered the dhampir in the arms of a man whose features bore an unexpectedly striking familiarity.

"Release her at once!" He ordered, gesturing for his soldiers to surround the golden haired stranger. He did not feel like a human nor a Devil, so Marius' wariness only kept growing. "If you don't wish to die a most painful death, give her to me right now!" 

Regardless, this person needed to die, for not only daring to encroach upon his territory but having the audacity to disrespect the Tepes faction by laying his hands on their most valuable asset.

"Hm?" Yet, the stranger remained stoic, devoid of fear, "I see you bear striking resemblance to my Master. Are you perhaps a relative of hers?" He calmly inquired about Marius and his relationship with Valerie.

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