Chapter 20: Ominous Clouds

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Beta read by Shigiya, Paragon of Awesomeness and Maglad.




-Underworld, Gremory Estate-



The soiree, held in the opulent halls of the Gremory estate, unfolded before Sirzechs' eyes like a tapestry of intrigue and celebration. Despite his initial reservations about his sister's mysterious Servant, he found himself swept up in the festivities of her victory, even if Rias herself had chosen to not be part of it. Each guest, adorned in their finest attire, mingled and exchanged pleasantries under the soft glow of chandeliers. The scent of exotic perfumes wafted through the air, mingling with the soft strains of classical music played by a string quartet in the corner.

Sirzechs, resplendent in his tailored suit, stood beside his wife, their moods intertwined as they observed the scene unfolding before them. The beautiful silver-haired maid by his side radiated elegance, her keen eyes taking in every detail with a mixture of curiosity and grace.

As the evening progressed, conversation flowed freely among the guests, topics ranging from politics to the latest gossip from the underworld, and of course the Rating Game itself. He found himself engaged in lively discussions with fellow dignitaries, his doubts about Archer momentarily pushed aside by the jovial atmosphere.

At one point, the conversation turned to recent events in the Supernatural world. His wife, ever the astute observer, remarked on the curious case of their newest arrival.

"Valerie Tepes, you say? And she’s the queen of the Tepes faction? That's odd," he mused, his voice barely above a whisper as he leaned in to speak to Grayfia. "I am certain that the one at the head of the Tepes faction of the vampires was a man, one King Tepes, with his fourth son Marius often acting as his faction’s representative. He isn't dead, I presume?"

“We’ve heard no news of King Tepes, but Marius Tepes is still alive. The vampire prince was spotted a few days ago by some of our officials with matters concerning the Grigori. I believe Lady Serafall had a meeting with Marius very recently as well; she hadn't stopped talking about how the meeting made her want to visit the human world and go see her sister.” A strange expression crossed her face. “But there has been a strange silence since the last time anyone affiliated with us had contact with the Tepes, so I can't say with certainty if he's indeed alive.”

Sirzechs furrowed his brow, his mind turning over the implications of her words. Marius, a formidable figure in the Vampire hierarchy, had long been a sort of ally to their faction. Despite his relative youth and somewhat differing opinions to his predecessors, he had managed to rise in fame at an alarming rate — though his own identity as a son of the current — though perhaps now former — Tepes King had certainly helped. The idea that a young maiden like Valerie could have bested him and risen to the throne of what was well known to be a patriarchal system seemed improbable at best.

"It is indeed perplexing," he replied, his gaze lingering on the swirling patterns of the marble floor beneath his feet. "King Tepes has proven himself to be quite the formidable vampire having the capability to equal an ultimate class Devil, with each of his sons also being high class of the upper echelon. If she indeed was related to them and a secret daughter, then at best she'd be the sixth in line after his sons and brother I presume? No, the Tepes line has plenty of branch families, and with their political system, any man would automatically be higher up the ladder than even their king’s own daughter. I find it hard to believe that a young maiden like her could have orchestrated their downfall. Yet the way she is behaving is most definitely not an act to deceive those around to help her gain support for a false claim."

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