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Ch. 10: The Thorn and Star

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When Hyllie said Dante was being held captive in the Governor's Mansion, I expected it to take some time to free him, but she was back within three hours. The horizon had not even begun to lighten yet. We might actually make it into Estrellum tonight.

I hung back as Yoko went through the supplies with Hallie and watched Dante. He wore a finely woven cloak with golden thread and diamond studs in his ear that glinted in the torchlight. Clearly, being a prisoner was no hardship in Yorkton.

Grimacing, I reminded myself that a gilded cage was still a cage. It was a matter I was all too familiar with and should not judge the man for living in comfort. In fact, his prison might be even worse than the one I'd grown up in. I couldn't imagine being able to see my home across the river and be unable to go to it.

"Like what you see, love?" He asked with a purr when he caught me staring.

Yoko's hand stilled as she shoved dry goods into a saddlebag, but I waved at her to keep going. As much as it thrilled me when she acted possessive, it was best that I put him in his place. As his princess...

No. I wasn't his princess; I was his queen. And he would have to treat me with respect and heed my commands.

Keeping my hood pulled over my eyes, I folded my arms over my chest as he circled me. When he finally stopped in front of me and flashed what I'm sure he thought was a charming smile, I lowered my hood, revealing the silver braids he would recognize anywhere. Watching his flirtatious expression morph into shock was worth being dramatic.

"Hyl–" He said the Will-o'-the-wisp's name in a hoarse whisper. "You did not tell me it was Astreia."

"Because you didn't ask," she replied.

"Hello, Dante. You've done well for yourself."

Dante licked his lips and scratched at the stubble on his powerful jaw. Tall, with coal black skin, and eyes the color of spring grass, the girls at court had swooned every time he came into a room. Somehow, he had only grown more handsome, filling out his lanky form with broad shoulders and muscular arms that stretched the sleeves of his tunic.

"I've stayed alive, and it appears you have as well, though I was beginning to think you were actually dead. We've heard nothing about you since your betrothal to the prince was announced. Did you end up married to the bastard?"

"Do you think I would be committing treason in the dead of night if I was married to Tievel?"

My heart rolled over in my chest. I had come so close to actually being bonded to him. Some nights I woke covered in sweat, the memory of his fingers digging into my flesh so vividly I had to check for bruises to make sure it was actually a dream.

"I suppose not. Lucky me."

Dante winked at me, and I wondered if he was referring to our betrothal. After they took me to Edresh, I was not allowed to hear news of my home, and when the war ended, I didn't know who had made it out alive. As far as I knew, Dante Ishtan and his entire family were dead, and that meant my obligations to him were ended.

But he was very much alive, which meant our contract still stood. If I took up the throne when we returned, then we would be married unless we both agreed otherwise. That was unlikely, considering Dante had everything to gain from such an advantageous marriage, and for me, there was the matter of children.

I glanced at Yoko who was talking quietly with Hyllie. This was something that had been consuming most of my thoughts over the last few days. Relighting the portal wouldn't be the end of my duties, and when I passed into the Other Realm, another would have to take my place. One with the light of Vyta in their veins. A child of my blood.

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