Chapter six: Prom

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The twins and Bella got ready at their house, Bella is stressing out because she doesn't want to trip over. Ace is dressed and ready to do, as he looks himself in the mirror he can hear Alex trying to sort his tie.

"Fuck sake, this fucking thing" a frustrated Alex mumbles. "Ace, please can you help me?" he turns around finding Ace just watching him with amusement.

"Wow, you saying please. Never thought I'd hear that come out your mouth" Ace said walking over to his brother.

Alex looks at Ace - "I'm sorry" he says looking down. "For what?" Ace replies still sorting Alex's tie for him.

"Not even thinking about you guys when all that happened with James. You were right. I was being selfish just thinking about myself" he eventually explained.

Ace has finished with his brother's tie, sighs and looks at Alex - "I understood why you did it. What scared me the most was you didn't even think about it. You just left. You didn't say anything and I know I let my emotions get the best of me but I'm not apologising for punching you. That you deserved" Ace explained his feelings.

"I am sorry Ace, I won't just leave, I'll explain on the way next time" Alex says smirking. "There ain't gonna be a next time." Ace says firmly.

"I love you brother. I am thankful to have you as my twin. Otherwise I probably would be dead" Alex says with tears in his eyes so Ace hugs him. "Love you to big bro. Come on, I think they're waiting downstairs. We need to make sure Bella is okay" Ace says into his brother's shoulder.

Wiping their eyes, they make their way to Bella room - before Ace can knock on the door, Bella whips the door open and pulls them inside "I'm freaking out" she says breathing heavily. "Why what's wrong? You look beautiful" Alex says smiling. "What if I fall? What if I make a fool of myself dancing? What if -"

Ace cuts her off "Bella. Shut up. It's just 'what if' okay? Granted we can't be 100% sure but Bella I don't think Edward would let you fall."

Alex nods his head agreeing with his brother "yeah, come on. Everything will be okay. They're waiting anyway, Alice came with them Ace? Alex asks as they all make their way downstairs. "Yeah, thought it made sense. Although, I honestly thought I'd pick her up" shrugging his shoulders.

Charlie is waiting for his children to come downstairs with a camera waiting. As he turns the camera on - there's a knock on the door. Charlie makes his way to the front door opening "hello Charlie!" Alice exclaims.

"Hello Alice" Charlie says hugging the small girl - as he lets go of her, he shakes hands with Jasper and reluctantly Edward's.

"Hello boys" Charlie says leading them into the lounge. "Hello Charlie, how you are?" Jasper asks - "Chief Swan" Edward says knowing Charlie doesn't really like him.

"I'm alright thank you - hold on I'll just shout them" Charlie says walking into the hall way.

"You three! Your dates are here" he shouts at the bottom of the stairs. Alice, Jasper and Edward move into the hallway as Ace came down first he locks eyes with Alice "you look beautiful" he says to his girlfriend in awe.

"You look handsome" she compliments her boyfriend with the same expression. Alex is next to come down smiling at Jasper - "wow. Darling - you look wow" Jasper is lost for words looking at his boyfriend, "and you Jasper, damn" Alex smirks. "You fuckers ready? Not you dad. Love you" Ace says looking at his dad when he swore.

"Bella! Come on, Eddie boy looks like he about to pass out from dad's glare" Alex shouts making everyone around him smile. As they hear heals on the stairs, they look up and their jaws drop - minus the twins, Alice and Jasper.

"Holy shit" Edward mumbles. "Bella you look amazing" Charlie says walking upto Bella hugging her "awe thanks dad" she says hugging him back. Charlie helps her down the last few steps before handing her over to Edward "wow, Bella. You look absolutely beautiful" he says in a soft voice.

"Picture guys - don't be boring. Bella smile" Charlie says laughing at kids faces. As he takes the photo and just looks at his children - "I'm proud of you" he randomly says. The twins and Bella look at their father "we love you dad" they say together. "We best go Charlie" Alice says. "Right yeah, off you go. Have a good night" Charlie says leading them out of house.

As they arrive at the dance, they meet Rosalie and Emmett there. "Holy shit" they can hear students say as they walk through the car park - "people are staring at us" Bella says feeling self conscious. "Ahh leave them Bella, they are just jealous we are sexier than them" Alex confidently says to his sister.

"Bella!" a voice behind them shout before they enter the school, they all turn around to see Jacob Black. "Hold on" Bella says to Edward going towards Jacob giving him a quick hug. "How've you been?" She politely asks her childhood friend.

"Yeah I've been good, been busy with school. I've see you've been busy as well" he says looking over her shoulder to see Edward and the twins staring at him. "Bella come on! It's fucking freezing" Ace shouts not liking Jacob. For some reason he never has.

"Look, I gotta go but I'll see you soon" Bella says giving him a quick hug and smile goodbye not waiting for his reply. They finally make into the prom. Jasper and Alex go to dance, along with Alice and Ace, Rosalie and Emmett.

Edward looks down to see Bella smiling at her brothers "they deserve to be happy" she says to no one in particular. Edward looks up to see his family with the same smile as Bella "yeah, they're happy. I'm happy." he says smiling as he turns back to Bella who's already looking at him.

"You want to go outside?" Edward asks. "Yes, I would" Bella says softly. As they walk outside they find a little dancing area where they are basically alone, just dancing in silence as they could hear the music from inside.

Bella looks at Edward "do you plan on changing me?" Edward sighs at the question but still answers "yes. But not yet" Bella is satisfied with the answer and doesn't bring it up again that night.

"There is something I've been meaning to do though" Edward says after a while. Bella looks at in questionably, Edward lowers his head slightly waiting for Bella to move backwards in case she doesn't want it.

Bella doesn't move knowing what Edward is about to do - she leans up and under this thing about side of the school hall she has her first kiss with Edward.

As they pull away Bella smiles at her boyfriend - he takes her hand and makes their way back inside to see his family sit a table - laughing, without a care in the world.

Little do they know, someone was watching them - anger building up in her body. She will get her revenge.

She just needs to wait.

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