who are you?

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Hey readers, I posted, 'choices we make' today morning, and 'Survival Mode:ON' yesterday evening. I am so overwhelmed with the response. Thank you so much for that!
I didn't want to post another poem today, but since y'all have shown such a great response, I thought of posting another one.

So, here's the poem:

It's like there's someone always around me,
watching me,
calculating my next move.

Yeah, I am right here, watching you, came a little voice.
I know you are. But I don't see anything around me.
No person, no movements, nothing.
You can't see me; just feel me, experience me.

I have to be ready for all circumstances, at any cost.
Yes, you cannot miss out on anything.

I am calm, collected, and I know when to speak.
You're just hoping that you don't blurt out something stupid.

I don't need any help! I can do it myself.
You just don't want to seem weak.

I'm always here to help you out.
People might think you're rude if you didn't help them.

I can do this; I am strong enough to get through it all.
Are you sure? Why not just quit?

I am not alone. I have people who have my back.
Yeah, you aren't alone. I'm right here.

Who are you?
My name is anxiety, said the little voice.
I know you don't want me living in your head,
but here I am, living rent-free,
sucking the life out of you.

Want me to name a few things that I am capable of?
Here they are:
I can keep you always on edge,
I can make you lose friends,
make you lonely, sad, depressed,
depersonalization, derealization,
and acting out of your normal.

I'm the one who tells you
that no one likes you,
no one really wants to listen to you,
that you lack self confidence.

I'll make you worry so much that the thoughts would seep into your dreams,
waking you up with a nightmare.
You'll lose your peaceful sleep,
and that'll mess with you even more.

I can make you hate yourself,
so you have self harm thoughts and become suicidal.
You name it, and I am capable of doing it.

And now,
we aren't scared of monsters under our beds.
We are scared of the monsters in our heads.

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Trapped in my own headWhere stories live. Discover now