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How messed up is it
to be able to sense everything.
To be able to sense
how bad one is hurting;
To just somehow, magically know
how someone is feeling,
especially when they're feeling low.
To know what exactly hurts them,
what breaks them,
what reopens old scars,
and what stabs them right through the heart.

Perhaps I know,
because I feel the same;
I recognize that emotion.
But no one seems to recognize mine.

But it's even more messed up
because I do not know
what to do to make it better for them.
I want to help.
Maybe it's because I can't help myself,
so I find peace in fixing others.

So is this a curse or a blessing?
To be trapped in an exhausted body that wants to run,
an old soul that wants to be young and free,
and a mind that is an empath.

Trapped in my own headWhere stories live. Discover now