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"Do you still have a brain?" Henry asks as he follows me into my apartment.

 It's not a rude question, given the fact that I look like I have been swallowed by a writing goblin, regurgitated, and abandoned at the altar of the writing gods. 

In other words, things were going very well. 

"A semblance," I laugh, going to the kitchen and pouring him a cup of coffee. I settle with water, knowing that if there were any more grams of caffeine in my bloodstream, I might induce heart failure. "Why, do you have something that is going to reduce it further?" 

"Well, that depends. I just need you in your right mind to approve of this business contract." He smiles cheekily, holding out a blue folder which held the document I had been waiting months for. 

Henry rests against the back of his chair, taking the coffee mug into his hands and then setting it on his knee as his long legs splay out. He's wearing a tee shirt and jeans today, which tells me despite it being his day off, he rushed to the office as soon as the contract was done to bring it to me. The sentiment warms my heart, and I admire him for a moment. Pretty soon my eyes are tearing up and I stare at him until he looks up from his phone and laughs. 

"Yes, I know, you're in love with me." He smirks, "But try to remember it's my amazing executive skills you love, and not me." 

"No," I shake my head, grinning as I take the document into my hands. "I love you. You. So much right now. Thank you."  

He watches me open the folder with that same smirky-smile, the closest Henry comes to showing affection, before going back to his phone. I tear into the folder, reading through every passage carefully, trying not to skip over lines out of excitement. 

Once I finished reading, I took a moment to truly soak up the moment. The sun began to heat up the window, and the white gossamer curtains hanging over my kitchen window were blowing softly with the autumn breeze. Sounds of the city waking up were floating in through the window, and between the fresh air and the smell of coffee, I felt that there couldn't have been a better morning than this. Again, feeling sentimental, I looked at Henry and wished that Desi were here too. The two most important, special, people in my life other than my family. Though at this point, they could be considered family. I hoped one day Desi and Henry would get married and then I could be their best friend and their friend-child that went with them everywhere, writing books for the rest of our lives. 

Then again, that's pretty much the dynamic we have now.  

"Henry, it's great." I take his hand warmly. "Thank you." 

He looks like he's about to make a quippy remark, but instead he just dips his chin shyly and averts his eyes, "You're welcome. Of course." 

"So, when can I start?" I asked, signing the bottom line before carefully putting the document back into the folder and into Henry's possession once more. 

Henry shrugs, "It's all very easy from this point on. How is the project outline coming?" 

"Finished," I affirm, tucking my leg under me as I sit. "I have a concept, outline, and I am currently working on the list of possible cliches that I want to research. Also, the publishing company is on board and has designers working on cover options and marketing strategies. I've already started storyboarding for the novel and characters." 

He shifts in his seat and puts his arms on the table, looking earnest, "You realize that...there may not be an actor who wants to do this? You might have to do it alone. It might fail." 

Nodding, I take a breath and stare at the glass of water in front of me.

"Henry," My chest grew tight and shallow, and it took a minute of grounding myself back in the moment before I could continue. With a deep breath, I met his eyes with resolve. "I-- a lot of people--really care about this project. I need this to work. I'll do whatever it takes." 

"We've got you," He nodded, eyes holding mine with all the sincerity in the world. "It will work. We'll make sure it will." We smiled at each other, before his phone rang. 

Rolling his eyes, he answers the phone and leans back in his chair, "Harassment is a federal crime. I could report you." 

There's a moment of silence, but I can understand the conversation purely on Henry's facial expressions. 

He snorts, "You would." Rolls his eyes, "My mission in life: hiding things from you." He scratches his chin, "Well if you knew I was here I wonder why you take the time to call." He lowers his voice, "Did you miss me?" He smirks victoriously. "Aww, cute." 

Henry flashes a grin at me, and I smile, shaking my head. This guy

Then the smirk drops, and he appears emotionless before passing a look at me. "I'm not saying that. No. I am not--" 

He lifts the phone away from his ear and sets it on the counter turning on the speaker phone. Desi's voice blasts out of the speaker: "Girl, I have found him! He's tall, he's appealing, he's renowned for his acting, spoke highly of everyone worth knowing, and he is absolutely delicious." 

I can't help laughing, passing a sneaky look at Henry. He rested back into the chair again, this time completely disengaged, and was chewing the inside corner of his cheek out of annoyance.  Leaning forward I whispered just loud enough for Henry to hear me say: "Desi, stop, I believe you're making Henry blush... that or very very jealous." 

The silence from the phone is so loud, and Henry is staring at me like I've betrayed every ounce of trust. Henry has liked Desi from the moment we formed our little team, and although I promised to keep his secret the minute I found out (Which was instantly. Because, although Desi chose to be oblivious, Henry couldn't help but be obvious.) I was also committed to exposing him to every chance I could to further the process.  Therefore, we both knew there was no point in him denying my comment in this moment, so he scoffs with his whole chest and looks away.

Desi takes in my comment, hums, then bursts into laughter. It's the kind of girlish giggle that makes even the most secure of men rattled. Henry glares pointedly at me, standing up and moving to the other side of the room. I grin at him. He flips me off. 

"As much as Hairy would love me to praise him that way, I am actually speaking of the actor I found for your novel. I have been doing interviews non-stop and it turns out the studio that we have a contract with for your future movie is the same studio that produces this guy's movies! I met up with Drew, his manager, and he believes this partnership is the golden ticket."

"And the name of this wonder-boy?" I say doubtfully, albeit a little curious. 

"Hold on to your hats, or your toupee in Henry's case, --" 

This earns a very hostile "HAH" from the other side of the room, but it doesn't faze Desi. 

"The actor is the Robin Moore.

Both Henry and I look at each other in confusion, saying in unison: "The horror actor?" 


Happy Holidays All! 

It is moving into the delightful season of snowy mornings, cozy evenings, wet roads under streetlights, and my personal favorite-- drinking hot cocoa while reading gruesome gothic novels. :) 

Also, snuggling up with cute little romances! Which is why I hope you are here! 

So, what do you think about Henry and Leah's dynamic? They warm my heart strings with this brother/sister energy in this chapter. 

Keep reading to meet our newest character... ;) hehehe

And don't forget to vote, comment, and share <3

With love, 


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