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She was undeniably beautiful.

Throughout the night, Daisy and Spider had subtly switched positions, with Daisy now nestled into Spider's side as he ran his fingers through her hair.

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, and Spider, knowing he didn't need to check the time, allowed Daisy to sleep peacefully. His admiration was abruptly interrupted when a knock on the door roused Daisy from her slumber.

Panicking, Daisy hurriedly moved away from Spider as Cash's voice echoed through the door. "Daisy, why's the door locked?" The doorknob jiggled, and Daisy silently cursed as she carefully removed her hands from Spider's body.

She pressed her fingers to her lips and spoke, her footsteps leading towards the door. "I'll be out in a sec, Doug. Shark week," she called out, buying them a little more time. Cash's footsteps receded as he headed to the kitchen.

Daisy breathed a sigh of relief as Spider slipped out of her sheets. "I'm sorry about last night, Dais, I swear I didn't—"

"Spider, keep your voice down," Daisy hushed him, inadvertently grabbing his arm. She recoiled slightly when her hand met his skin, but Spider was quicker, pulling her closer by the waist until their faces were inches apart.

"Daisy?" Cash's voice interrupted them again.

Daisy sighed and, in one swift move, leaned up to kiss Spider's cheek before opening the window. Spider gave her a smirk and climbed out of her room, allowing Daisy to finally open the door to Cash.

"Hey, Cashy," she greeted with a sleepy smile as he stormed past her to inspect her room. Satisfied with his inspection, he slumped onto her bed. Daisy began dressing for the day.

"Where did you go last night?" Daisy questioned as she changed her shirt.

"Nowhe- Nowhere," Cash replied, Daisy noting his stutter. "Just went home."

"Doug, you're lying," Daisy said, as she crossed the room to her vanity. "I know you stutter when you lie." She moved to sit beside him.

Cash finally admitted, "I staunched, Dusty. That joint along Queen Street, that was us." Daisy's expression hardened.

"Douglas, you're going to get yourself arrested," she scolded him. "I can't look after Nan without you, Doug." Her voice was quiet, filled with concern.


Quinni, Darren, and Daisy's secret didn't stay concealed for long. The trio eventually shared their hidden table with Amerie.

"Amerie, I should've told you. I thought it was some weird graffiti that some random had put there," Quinni sighed heavily.

"It was my fault, Amerie. I told them not to tell you. I thought because of Dusty—"

"I don't care about Dusty. Besides, that stupid freaking map ruined my life. I hate that there's a version 2.0," Daisy was interrupted by Amerie's rant.

"Oh, wait." Quinni rushed past Daisy to scribble something Daisy ducking her head under the table to view the love heart circled around her and Sasha's name.

"Excuse me! Oh." Darren grabbed Quinni's thigh in excitement a wide smile spreading on Daisy's face.

"Congratulations Quinni." Daisy squeezed her hand her head still ducked over the back of the table she was sat on.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now