The beginning

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In 1971 Thousands of floating lights, Light up the ceiling as the hall sits down to commemorate the first day of a new year.

Stories about summer and new friendships are shared around the table. A calm relief and a moment of forgetfulness are present despite the war that threatens their lives beyond the safe confines of this castle.

Their feast is interrupted however by the walls of Hogwarts fading away, to reveal a golden throne room where the people were having their own feast. The staff and students were surprised to find themselves almost ghostlike they wondered what was going on.

Two however just stared at a beautiful brunette with green eyes.

"COME DEAR NEICE, GIVE US A SONG!"the big blonde king yelled.

Mischief in her eyes she got up gracefully from her seat and whispered to a woman with white and black hair grabbing each others hand they approached the stage.

"You got it uncle." The young woman smirked

The two grinned at each other before they started.

When they finished the hall erupted in cheers.

The room faded away and the staff and students found themselves back in their seats.

"What the heck just happened?" Screamed a Gryffindor.

No one knew.

(This is a short chapter just to get the story started.)

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