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(6 months later)

The Wizengamot was in their monthly meeting when again the room faded away in a golden haze. Lucius and Severus were kind of thrilled feeling a connection to the brunette they kept seeing but unsure of what kind of bond they would have.

Dumbledore happened to be there this time. However, James Potter was not.

Seeing a training field and a men and woman sparring they watched knowing they couldn't interact.

The brunette they kept seeing entered and called out.

"Sif, your training is going well."

The female warrior halted and bowed.

"Yes my lady. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Come, you are to join me in Midgard continuing the search for Haraldr."

"I'm honoured, my lady."

"Don't say that yet, we may be gone some time. I have managed to pin point him to a Midgardian island called England. It just a case of narrowing down to the area."

Thor came striding towards them as they walked.


"Uncle Thor, we are right here. There is no need to shout. Yes I have narrowed it down soon my Brother will be home. I do not like seeing mama so broken." The newly named Sakura replied.

Thor looked sad and nodded sharply, patting his Neice on the shoulder before turning and walking away.

Sakura and Sif moved towards a large bath house, the Wizengamot member moving with them though not of their own accord.

The two moved behind a screen, the next the wizarding world saw was the women's naked backs as they had entered a large pool.

"Tell me Sif, do you know why we bathe before going on missions or to battle?"

"No my lady."

"Well it's because it may be the last time we can, there is always a possibility of not returning. So we use this time as a bit of self care because we don't know when we'll have a moment to rest next."

"Thank you for explaining my lady"

Sakura smiled at Sif.

Sakura smiled at Sif

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The scene changes to chaos, the Wizengamot members could tell they were somewhere in England.

Sakura and Sif were fighting a huge group with what looked like a red octopus on their arms.

"Sif! Call for Heimdall, head back to Asgard!"

"I can't leave you my lady!"

"You are still in training, you are not a full warrior yet and you never will be unless you follow ORDERS!" Sakura yelled.

Reluctantly sif called out and stepped on the bridge looking back she was angry (but Heimdall closed the Bifrost before she could go back) that someone had snuck behind her lady and knocked her out with a rock.

The Wizengamot were screaming to watch out despite knowing she couldn't hear them.

The scene changed to a cozy living room where they saw a baby with black hair and green eyes throwing a tantrum refusing to go near James Potter.

"The child knows it seems, that Potter took him away from his mother." Nott commented.

The scene once again changes but this time to the golden throne room. They could see the mother, the one who looked like Rowena Ravenclaw pacing and agitated. Along with the Uncle who was on the throne and five others.

"It's been a month, I can't take this, I can't lose another child!" She wailed

Sif was angry at herself and at whoever had hit her lady!

In a burst of golden light there stood an image of Sakura who looked perfectly normal.

One of the men nudged the mother.

"Loki, look!"

The newly named Loki turned.

"Mama, Dad, Uncle Thor, Slepnir, Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hela."

"My baby! Where are you? Heimdall can't see you."

"I do not know, I am using this time to track Haraldr. I think I'm getting close."

"Why are you taking such a huge risk? You can easily escape!"

"I can't bear to see the pain on your face Mama, I will find our Brother. And I'm currently in chains I can't escape just yet, however I do have a plaaaa..." Sakura looked at her mother tears dripping down her face and genuine fear in her eyes.

Sakura screamed as a bright golden glow ran down her chest from her throat she collapsed to the ground and was gone.

"LOKI what happened, what was that light." Thor asked carefully.

Loki fell to her knees. Tears streaming.

"Who... whoever has her is...cutting her open,  sshe's being tortured!"

The scene fades away and the Wizenagmot are back in the chambers many of them crying themselves.

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