Chapter 4 - 'Another Day In The Life...'

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[Meant to get this out sooner, but after 19k words, and kinda struggling with writing, and life, as of late, I finally got it out. Sorry for the wait, hopefully, it doesn't ruin the excitement you guys have for this book. Nevertheless, another 15k word chapter is here!!!]

[And we move onto chapter four. Votes were down from the first two chapters, but I expected as much. Still did extraordinary so thank you awesome people for the love and support on this book, whilst there are a few who seem to complain about everything 90% are great! Anywho, onto chapter four we go and as promised at the end of the last chapter, more Nobara. And I think you all may like what I have in store for her and the reader. But then there is also Maki. 

It's funny, someone asked who are the three girls I'm most looking forward to having interactions and relationships with the reader...And it was 1.) Maki; 2.) Nobara; and 3.) Mei Mei. Mei Mei's one is going to be so much fun when I get to it. But for now, we're focused on the life of the reader, who despite being OP in powers, he has other problems in life. Something I feel I've gotta continue to prove to a few of you. So, with that being said, if you enjoy today's chapter, feel free to vote and leave a comment, and let's get right into things!]

[If this chapter can get 250 votes in 24 hours, I'll release another chapter next week...THAT'S OVER 15K WORDS!!!]

[3rd Person POV]

The early morning orange sky that hovered so perfectly over the city of Tokyo was quite the sight to see for anyone who found themselves awake at such early hours in the morning. Now, sure, for a lot of people in the city, being awake now was normal. But for the students of Jujutsu High, being awake at 6 A.M. in the morning was not a regular practice. The still faces, and silent snores, of the students that made up this school could all be seen lying in bed. In the dorm building of the second years, Panda could be seen lying in a circular bed with a soft mattress in the centre. The outer layers are made of bamboo to stabilize his larger body. 

A large pillow is currently held in a death grip by the cursed corpse. The room just next to his, Inumaki lay straight on his back. His eyes shut, and barely sound coming from his covered mouth. Thick curtains prevented the morning light from creeping in, allowing him to get even more immersive in his slumber. And finally, a few more doors down, Maki's released green hair covered her face slightly as she snuggled into her blankets. On the bedside table next to her, a lamp, a digital clock, and glasses could be seen. Also present was the opened envelope with the letter she had written for (Y/n) lying on top. 

It appeared Maki may have had a late-night reading session. Such peacefulness was something many people strove for, with the two first years of Jujutsu High, Megumi and Itadori seen also enjoying their rest. Megumi especially after the recent workload he had involving Itadori and a certain returning sorcerer. Speaking of Itadori, it seemed he was fitting into Jujutsu High rather easily. Going off the way his room currently had his own personality already. A poster of a girl in a bikini plastered on the wall next to his bed, along with a few other items on shelves. Such as action figures, comics, and DvD's.

It was a rather pleasant sight to see, knowing that people with such incredible powers were also so human when it came down to the edges of things. But there was one person amongst the group of students, someone who unbeknownst to them, was struggling with his return, that didn't find himself lying in bed. Instead, the figure of (Y/n) (L/n) could be seen seated on the ground in a dark room, kept lit up solely by a various array of candles stationed around the room. The young boy, now missing a beard, kept a weakened look on his face as he stared at the ground before him, an unknown figure seated no more than five feet away.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 'Cursed Potential' [Male Reader X Jujutsu Kaisen Harem]Where stories live. Discover now