The Duchess

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"This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real," I repeated for the millionth time and shake my head in the carriage taking us to Hawthorne's manor.

Winston decided to return to the Storm house in order to verify of my union to Hawthorne, sending word that I would be heading there should Duke Storm be affronted by such a bold move.

In response, Ellis and Arin arrived promptly at the tavern, their eyes shining in determination and a flutter of romantic sighs at seeing Hawthorne and I together.

They made quick work of my hungover and haughty appearance, giving me a thumbs up of approval once I was readied to be whisked away by the Duke within the streets of the capital.

But I could care less about being scrutinized under a societal gaze. I'm married and a Duchess? And it all happened because I got stupid drunk (again) and allowed Hawthorne to manipulate the situation.

Silky strands of hair come undone from the carefully crafted braid Arin did for me in the morning, a few of the flowers she artfully placed in my hair releasing their petals. Falling like my sanity. Crushed like my soul. Ergh.

"Evara," Hawthorne said, an edge to his tone verging on a plea.

"What?" I snapped to the man sitting across from me.

"You'll be perfectly fine."

Scoffing, I bite my lower lip. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one fallen from grace, has someone out to kill you, and traumatized from both!"

Hawthorne doesn't flinch from the acid in my tone but considers what I've said gravely, his features darkening. "I'll ensure that those rumours don't ever come to harm you and neither will that killer."

"It's not you're guarantee, Duke. It's the principle of the matter—the plain awful truth that both exist!"

"Has it never occurred to you, that our marriage may be more in your favour than you think? A stratagem to draw out your killer?"

"Whatever do you mean?" I demanded, losing hope and patience rapidly.

"Considering my position—connected to the royal family as I am, your status has considerably improved. More wealth and riches for a Duchess as opposed to simply being the daughter of a Duke."

A chill runs down my spine. Evara's worth is so much more, yet I'm getting sick and tired of everyone belittling her. "My father does not intend to pass down the dukedom to his daughter because she was once foolish and immature. I am very well within the bounds of inheriting the title as head of house Storm. As I see it, I simply switched from one house to another."

"I do not mean to insult you, wife. I simply mean, that your father has no political ambitions, unlike Hawthornes who have always been closely tied to the crown. I doubt your killer will think fondly of that. Wealth of your new house is merely a consequence of that. And one that will hardly go unnoticed."

"Is that what you think? That my being your wife will make me more of a target? You've quite literally made me the perfect victim, Duke."

He remains passive, drumming his fingers against his thigh. "It's a maneuver that will produce the right results."

"You're insufferable," I muttered.

"Once you've been embroiled in matters of the crown as long as I have, you'd understand why." Hawthorne leans over at the sight of my dejected frame, hovering over me and I have to place a hand against his chest to prevent him from coming any closer.

"As long as you have? What are you? Twenty-eight? Thirty? Hardly a wise sage."

He takes the hand resting on his chest within his gloved one. "Would you rather work against me then?"

"If I'm not mistaken, and as Winston so clearly elaborated for both of us—that's somewhat my predilection," I replied, a fake smile on my lips.

"You won't be able to have conflicting interests once we form that contract."

"And it takes two parties to even make one substantial. It can hardly exist as a binding agreement with only one signature."

"Are you threatening me, Evara Hawthorne?" he whispered.

My eyes finally dart to his that drink in my face and it makes me falter for a second. "What more could you possibly expect from the villainess of society? Consider it your fatal mistake in marrying me."

"Whatever you say, my Duchess."

Hawthorne plants a quick kiss on my hand, leaving me absolutely speechless and returns to his side of the carriage in an instant.

One minute he's hot. The next he's cold. Can the man please decide which side he's on?

I'm back to brooding as the carriage wheels creak to a halt and the coachman reigns in the horses. The door swings open and Hawthorne steps out, extending a hand for me to take.

Glancing down at it, I frown and raise the folds of my dress higher to climb down on my own. He looks amused, shaking his head and decisively places one of my hands into the crook of his arm before guiding me up a long series of stairs that lead to the entrance of Hawthorne manor.

A set of servants await our arrival and bow, welcoming us. "Welcome home, Duke and Duchess Hawthorne."

Wow. Word travels fast. Or Hawthorne ensures that his servants are up to date on household matters and his affairs impeccably.

Sucking in a breath and releasing it to calm my nerves, I offer the servants a placid smile and continue to depend on Hawthorne as he takes me into his study.

Letting go of me, he strides to the walnut desk and pulls a few papers out of a drawer. "All right. What are your conditions for being Duchess Hawthorne?"

"Well for one, some hospitality. I'd love some tea and cake," I replied mildly, gracefully settling into a leather sofa and avoid his gaze.

I might be freaking out about being a Duchess because I'm a modern woman trapped in someone else's body—but that doesn't mean I'm not committed to being excruciatingly oppressive.

Hawthorne sighs and I let my long lashes flutter towards him and blink innocently.

"What? As the new Duchess, I think I deserve that much. No? Unless of course, you have somewhere else to be?"

His eyes glitter with mirth and he runs a hand through his hair. The beginnings of a competitive nature starting to lose its crafted restraint. "Not at all. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else but with my new wife."

The games have now officially begun. Let's see who cracks first and rips up the contract and marriage deed.

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