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Okay...I'm having fun dancing with this guy but I need a break, my legs hurt and I need another drink. Plus he smells like alcohol and cigarettes, it's gross. I just haven't found the right time to breakaway, especially since Ellie and Summer disappeared somewhere into the crowd. Not until my saving grace makes his way onto the dance floor.

"Logan!" I smile stepping over to him, looking up at him with wide eyes. He gets the message and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Sorry, I've gotta go," I wave at the guy I was dancing with, acting drunker then I am. I try to push Logan towards the edge of the dance floor but he barely budges. When I look up at him, he looks ready to attack. Oh god...

I turn to look at the guy I had been dancing with, he's slowly starts to walk the opposite direction, clearly getting Logan's "don't fuck with me" message.

"Logan, walk." I tighten my grip on his arm and he starts to walk away, a brooding look still on his face as we make our way back towards the booth where only Alex and Trevor are sitting.

"Where are the girls?" I ask, my hands finally leaving Logan's arm now that we're out of the crowd. I'm going to pretend that Logan didn't go full protective mode just a couple minutes ago and just have a good rest of my night. I won't lie though....I kinda liked it. Maybe I shouldn't of come tonight...Kenzie just shut up and have fun, I scold myself.

"Bar," Alex points. 

"James?" I ask.

"Blonde by the bar," Trevor points. I look over my shoulder and find James almost immediately, he's chatting up some blonde who's obviously into him.

"Does it always just work for him?" I ask sliding into the booth.

"No, one time a girl poured her drink and his on his head," Logan laughs following me into the booth.

"You're kidding!" I chuckle, "I need to hear the story."

And that's how the rest of the night goes, all of us squeeze into the rounded booth, share booze and stories. At first it's mainly just Alex, Logan and Trevor telling embarrassing about each other. But after a while Ellie looks over at Logan and I.

"So you two have to have some crazy stories from high school," Ellie smirks taking a sip of her drink.

"Preferably something I can use against Logan," Alex smirks at Logan while wrapping his arm around Ellie as she looks over at him. 

Logan and I look at each other at the same time. I forget what I'm supposed to be thinking about when my eyes meet his bright blue eyes.

Wait what was I trying to think of? C'mon brain, work through the alcohol!

"Do you remember Brandon's party after the championship game?" Logan smirks and my brain decides to start working again. Stories from high school, that's what I'm trying to think of. And I immediately have a story that pops to mind, I smirk as soon as I think of it.

"I was gonna say Mace and I's seventeenth birthday, out at the lake," I say with a smile as I reach for my drink, taking a sip.

"Oh no, no, no," Logan shakes his head.

"I think we need to hear both," Trevor smiles excitedly.

"Immediately," Summer leans forward, also smiling as she rest her chin in the palm of her hand sitting between Trevor and I.

"We're gonna need more beer for that," I say picking up the empty pitcher in the middle of the table.

"Got it," Logan says sliding out of the booth, "And it would be great if you embarrassed me while I wasn't here."

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