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"Hey, can I get out to use the restroom?" Kenzie looks up at me, her voice is suddenly very small and soft. When I look over at her she looks like she saw a ghost or something. So I nod and get out of the booth, the rest of the table is silent as Kenzie slides out of the booth with her purse in hand. We all watch her walk the opposite way of the bathroom and instead towards the front door.

"Uhm," Trevor hums.

"I got this," I sigh, turning to the rest of the group before quickly grabbing my phone off the table to rush after her.

I call after her as I make my way across the bar, "Kenzie!"

God damn it.

I push my way through the crowd and rush through the door. I look left and there she is, walking towards the end of the street.

"Kenz!" I shout and she stops to look back at me. "Wait!"

I jog towards her, coming to a stop in front of her as I ask, "What was that? I thought we were having fun!"

"We were," she pauses like she doesn't know what to say, "I'm sorry," she crosses her arms over her chest and looks down, "I just..."

"Tell me, Kenz, you can trust me, I promise." I want to just hug her. I don't care if she tells me what's really going on or not, I just want to make sure she's okay.

She looks up, tucking some of her short dark hair behind her ear, there's tears shining in her eyes, "I'm supposed to hate you."

"What?" I take a step back, "What in the world are you talking about?"

"You fucked up my life, I should hate you! It should be easier for me to ignore you! But here I am falling for you again...I think," she sniffles, still trying to keep the tears at bay, "I don't know, you're just so fucking easy to fall for. You're so charming and funny and of course you're fucking hotter than hot!"

I don't know what to say. Wait...she's falling for me again? Wait again?

"Never mind," she bits the inside of her cheek, "You don't get it," she pushes her fingers through her dark hair again.

I don't get it? Is she crazy?

"That boat day, that story," she sounds like she's gonna cry, "That day, was the first time you made us official, you spent the night and didn't leave before the morning. It was the first time you actually made me feel like more than a hook up."

Kenzie was always more than a hook up. I loved her and I think I still do. Things were different then, I couldn't give her the time she wanted, I was dealing with too many other things. I understand how confusing these feelings are more than she knows. But I can't say that, she's already spiraling.

A tear slips from her eye and she's quick to reach up and wipe it away, she shakes her head saying, "I shouldn't have come tonight, sorry. I'm gonna go home, have a good night."

"Don't go," I say when she finally looks up and her beautiful hazel eyes meet mine and all I want to do is reach out to touch her but I know I shouldn't. "Or at least let me make sure you get home okay."

"No, it's okay. You stay," she waves me off.

"I'm coming with you."

"No you're not, Logan. You're going to go back into that bar and leaving me alone for a while," her tone is strong and pointed, she's trying to put distance between us. And then she literally does as she starts to walk away.

God damn it, she's so stubborn and independent as fuck, two qualities of her's I love and hate.

"No," I say to myself, shaking my head following her. I stop her with my hand on her shoulder, spinning her to face me as I say, "No, Kenzie, I'm not. I know our past is fucked and I take full responsibility for that, but I'm gonna prove to you I'm not the asshole you think I am."

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