Eighteen: Hurricane Hartley

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Sigh. I have no self restraint. And sadly this chapter pairs very well with the next chapter. You already know I'm likely posting that next chapter either today or tomorrow. Maybe one day I'll stick to an updating schedule, but today is not that day.

Maybe leave a comment or two since I'm posting so much <3


Tatum felt light as she walked into the hospital a few days later.

She couldn't get her mind off of Brady. Their night together was unexpected. But Tatum can confidently say that she had never felt so comfortable with someone. She didn't think she would ever find that with anyone. And to find that with Brady? Tatum can confidently say that she never could have seen that coming.

When Tatum got back the next day and saw Kinsley, she really wanted to tell her friend what happened. But she just didn't know how. It wasn't something that casually came up in conversation. Kinsley seemed stressed about her job and her classes, it didn't seem like the right time for Tatum to tell her about everything going on. Not to mention, nothing really had been going on. She couldn't exactly wrap her head around any of this. And nothing had happened, right? There was nothing to tell Kinsley about.

She had a good couple of days. Really, she did. Her grades were where they should be again, but she wasn't torturing herself to study. Her Mom was doing well. And she felt... good about whatever was going on with Brady.

So, Tatum was feeling good.

That was until she saw Brady screaming at a group of doctors with security standing around him.

She hurried over as her heart began to beat a bit faster. Brady had a look in his eyes that Tatum had never seen. He looked wild almost. Like anyone who went into his vicinity was fair game for him to yell at. Brady was gesturing towards Jamie's room, arms flailing as he shouted. It truly looked like he was trying to contain himself, but it just seemed like he had met the end of his rope. She felt a jolt of fear go through her, trying to see into Jamie's room. Tatum finally arrived in Brady's line of vision, stepping in front of one of the security guards.

"Brady, what the hell is going on?" Tatum asked with widened eyes and panic in her voice, placing a tentative hand on his arm.

"What happened?" Brady repeated bitterly, taking his arm out of her reach. She felt a pang in her chest, swallowing thickly at the gesture. "It's exactly what's been happening. But I thought it would be fine, like an idiot."

She shook her head, completely lost. "Can you stop being cryptic and vague long enough to tell me what happened?"

"Jamie is dying."

It felt like someone poured ice cold water over her. Like she was ripped from whatever dream she was in. Tatum somehow forgot about everything going on here. Things had been going so well that Tatum almost forgot that things could take a turn for the worse. Not only could they, but they did. She had been distracted by everything. Tatum opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Brady scoffed, shaking his head at the doctors around them.

"And all these fucking doctors are acting like it's fine, but it's not fine!" Brady nearly roared, gesturing harshly at everyone around them. "He's getting worse every day and they're not doing the damn surgery."

A security guard stepped forward. "Sir, if you don't calm down, we'll have you removed."

"Remove him, and you deal with me," Tatum warned instantly, looking at him over her shoulder but still facing towards Brady.

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