If You're Going My Way

122 5 13

Roronoa Zoro

I think we already know where this is going

Modern AU.




You blinked at your transponder with a dumbfounded expression. You should have been elated-- he had said yes, but that's precisely what had you fumbling. You were wholly expecting to be turned down.

"You, you do know that I'm asking you out, right?" You probed. "Like a date. With me?"

You had felt the need to get clarification. Just as you had when Nami had invited you to the get together where you met him in the first place. To you, the invite felt like it had come out of nowhere.

Sure, the two of you had bonded through your shared woes as assistants. If you weren't dealing with unsolicited flirting, you were doing the work of five and being sent on tedious errands multiple times a day. But you never found yourself sharing anything of your life outside of the office, although Nami would make passing references to her friend's latest antics in conversation from time to time.

You wouldn't have labeled yourself as her friend. And you didn't.

Not until she buttered you up and all but begged for you to come to a small party at her place. Small being the key word here.

She had wanted to introduce you to her crew, she had said. You'd fit right in.

You were sure she didn't plan for you to take a liking to her ruggedly handsome friend, Zoro. You were the one to ask for his number-- something you almost backed out of doing, but to heck with it. How likely were you to have seen him again anyway, if things didn't go your way?

And judging by the all the advice Nami had given you the day prior that you didn't ask for, she had fully anticipated this outcome.

How? You weren't entirely sure, but one thing you had learned about Nami in the time you'd known her was that she had her ways.

You had selected the North Blue Mall for your date, wanting to keep things casual and the atmosphere light. There were a variety of activities and restaurants to choose from apart from all the stores. You were sure you could find some things that appealed to the both of you and make a day of it.

You stood in front of the mall directory, skimming through the dining options before casting a look in Zoro's direction. "Should we start with getting some food?"

Considering you had foregone breakfast out of nerves, you were hopeful he'd agree to the idea.

"I could eat."

He was eyeing the directory, gold earrings clinking together softly with the slight tilt of his head. He wore a dark green v-neck with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and equally dark jeans. Simple as the outfit was, it was doing things for you.

It should be a crime to be that attractive.

You inwardly sighed to yourself and tore your gaze from the man. A place that grilled a variety of meats on iron plates grabbed your attention and you pointed it out.

"Nasugasira sounds promising."

Zoro took a brief look at the information before making what you had to assume was a grunt of approval. He started off in the opposite direction and you had to hurry after him, clasping your hand on his shoulder.

Nami might have let it slip that he wasn't the greatest with directions, but you thought that meant you'd have trouble finding the mall. Not go off in the opposite direction of the sign you had been staring at for the past five minutes.

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