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"Paris, no!" Zephyra's screams could be heard over the battle.

Achilles dug his fingers into Zephyra's arms as he forced focus through this new pain. After a deep breath through his nose, Achilles stood, drawing his sword, and taking long strides toward her brother. Paris knocked another bow as Achilles grasped his sword to throw. Paris, also gifted with a bow, was too fast. He loosed a bow, lodging it in Achilles chest, easily piercing through his armor.

Achilles took a moment to adjust, changing his grip for the defensive. Zephyra clambored after her own bow, but her feet were getting caught in the fabric of her gown.

Achilles yanked the arrow from his body and took steps forward, slowly losing momentum. Paris loosed another arrow, landing true to his aim. And another. And another. And another.

Finally, Zephyra was on her feet with an arrow knocked in her own bow aimed at her brother. She stepped in front of Achilles, ready to retaliate. But as Achilles fell to his knees, he threw her off target, her arrow glancing off the stone steps. It didn't matter. Her priorities changed.

She knelt before Achilles and watched as he pulled the arrows from his body. They both knew this was a death sentence. He took her face in his hands, his breaths quickening. She just needed to touch him – his hands, his arms, his face, his body. This couldn't be happening.

"You're all right," Zephyra said, her words soft. "We'll go to a healer. You'll be fine."

Achilles scoffed and pulled her into a kiss. She could no longer stop the tears she promised not to shed for any Greek.

"It's all right," Achilles said, his words warm and comforting.

He wiped her tears with his coarse thumbs. How could he be so calm? She should be the one comforting him. Instead, she could only shake her head, her breaths hitching in her throat. Achilles rested his forehead against hers and took a strand of hair to his face.

"You gave me peace in a lifetime of war," Achilles said.

She could say the same for him.

"Zephyra, come," Paris said. She ignored her brother.

Achilles sighed and pulled her close again, his lips on hers even more gentle than before. His life was fading fast.

"Go," Achilles said. "You must."

"You asked me to do this once before, and it was the worst decision I have ever made," Zephyra said. "I will not make the same mistake twice."

"Troy has fallen." Achilles struggled to take a full breath. "Go."


"You must." He was pleading with her now. "Begin anew."

"We must go," Paris interjected. Even now, he could not give her sister a moment with her dying love. "I know a way out."

Achilles glanced at Paris and leaned into Zephyra again.

"It's all right," Achilles said. One last farewell with all the passion he could muster as his body failed him and a hand pressed to her core, saying goodbye to the child he would never meet.

Her choice was taken from her as Paris grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. She kicked and screamed, reaching for Achilles who was growing smaller and smaller as Paris dragged her through the courtyard. 

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