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Zephyra's body went numb and limp over her brother's shoulder as he carried her through the chaos to the eastern part of the castle. They were going to the mountains bordering the eastern territory. Zephyra's heart was heavy. She had lost the most important people in her life. She thought her heart could not break any further, but then her brother murdered Achilles in front of her eyes.

She had been useless in this war. She sat back falling in love while those around her died. Yet, she wouldn't have changed anything.

Paris set her on the ground, and it took Zephyra a moment to steady herself. Helen, Briseis, and Andromache were just inside the door waiting for Paris. Briseis ran to her cousin and pulled her into an embrace. Even when they pulled away, Briseis stood next to Zephyra, rubbing her back.

"Thank the gods Paris found you," Andromache said. She took a step forward to embrace her sister, but Zephyra countered, taking a step back, her features hardening. "What's wrong?"

"Paris killed him," Zephyra said.

Paris set his jaw, glaring at Zephyra. A look she had never seen from the softer brother before.

"No," Briseis said, almost a gasp.

"Who?" Andromoche said.

"Achilles," Paris said, his jaw still clenched.

"Don't you dare speak his name," Zephyra said.

"I saved you. You should be grateful."

Zephyra laughed, a crude sound. Not like her at all.

"There's nothing we can do now," Helen said. "We must hurry."

An animalistic rage surged through Zephyra's core, nothing like she had ever felt before. Her breathing increased, and all she wanted was blood. More blood to be spilled. But just from one person. She lunged toward Helen, but Paris stepped in her path and shoved her backward. Zephyra landed rather ungracefully on the stone floor, clutching her belly. Without a word, realization seeped through the room.

Zephyra sighed, resigned, as Briseis helped her to her feet again. A calm breathed through her.

"You still do not understand what you have done," Zephyra said. "What you both have done. Father, Hector, Ach–" She choked on the name before she could say it. 'You might as well have killed me too. I already feel I am dead."

Paris softened for only a moment. "Don't say that."

"Brother, do you have any love for me at all?" The words were raw, not holding any resentment. She just wanted the truth.

The siblings stared into none another's eyes, a whole conversation being exchanged with no words or gestures. He knew what she was asking, but could he allow it?

Finally, he gave a curt nod. Briseis looked to Zephyra for answers, but there was no time. Paris grabbed Briseis by the arm and pulled her alongside him as he ushered the other two women deeper into the secret passage.

Paris only looked back once. 

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