⁰⁸ Ember Lost

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I need to be good at something,
To be worth of loving.
I wandered every field,
I've got wounds as I run fast and barefeet.

Paint-stained hands,
I ruined every canvas.
With this voice,
In melodies I don't have a chance.
I tried the dancefloor,
Everything needs to enhance.

Greatness seems so far,
My pathway seems so blur.
I get drown going down the depths,
Why am I too cruel to myself?

There's a subtrist undertone behind my laugh,
In pen and paper I came back.
After a journey of finding my worth,
Did I really found myself?

Poems became shallow,
Why do I write with my mind.
After being consumed by shadows,
My embers loses its sparks behind.

And who will I blame for the mess that I became?

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