- ̗̀✎ Tomorrow?

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Johnnie and I have been texting back and forth for a couple of days now. Every time I heard that ding from my phone and saw it was Johnnie, my face would light up.

I wouldn't even notice I was smiling until I actually thought about it.

I had just finished my shower. My hair was damp and I wore comfy pajama pants with a regular baggy, white t-shirt. It was around 10:30. I was pretty tired, but decided to scroll on my phone instead of trying to sleep.


*johnnieguilbert: yk what I just remembered*

*: hm?"

*johnnieguilbert: our little hangout*

Right! After all of our talking, we still haven't figured out what or when we are going to hang out.

*: Would you want to go out somewhere?*

*johnnieguilbert: I was thinking a haunted house or something*

*johnnieguilbert: or a fair*

*: hmmmm*

*: maybe both?*

*johnnieguilbert: We could just plan a while day?*

I felt my stomach flutter. Just thinking about a day with Johnnie made me feel flustered.

*: that would be fun :)*

*johnnieguilbert: we could film a video in the morning*

*: go out and get lunch after?*

*johnnieguilbert: sounds like a good day.*

*: so when will this be?*

*johnnieguilbert: whenever*

*johnnieguilbert: im available all week.*

*: is tomorrow okay?*

*johnnieguilbert: perfect*

*: show up early in the morning, I'm cooking breakfast*

*: Tara and Jake will be there, but just for breakfast, after they are leaving for their own video*

*johnnieguilbert: sounds good, I'll text you before I leave*

I liked the message.

*: Well, it's past my bedtime *

*: good night Johnnie *

*johnnieguilbert: goodnight y/n :)*

I smiled and turned off my phone. I felt like I made progress in getting closer with Johnnie. Mostly because we used to go from not even talking to saying "gn" and now, good night.

I felt as if I had just accomplished something. I kind of did, though.

I don't have a bedtime, by the way. I get tired around a certain period and just like saying it's like my bedtime. I got it from Tara.

Whenever Tara is tired, but out late, she starts to complain, claiming it's past her bedtime. I find it silly. I love Tara.

^367 words

A VERY short chapter to keep you guys on your toes. I do have some things planned put for next chapter. But not completely sure.

Comment something you guys would want to happen and I might try to fit it in? I just need ideas frl. ^

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