- ̗̀✎ Smoke With The Stars.

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Johnnie laid on my chest as we watched a movie. I played with strans of his hair. Johnnie's hand was laid under my shirt, on my stomach. For some reason, he likes doing that.

Last week made my dreams true. Johnnie and I got together. Can you imagine Jake and Tara's reaction?


We walked downstairs, still in our pajamas. Tara and Jake looked at us, then each other. Tara did a wide smile, and Jake held his mouth open with a smile. They looked like little kids getting a present.

I didn't make any face change. I walked closer to them.

Tara: "Matching pj's?"

I looked at her, then at Johnnie. Johnnie looked back at me. He smiled as he realized. I didn't do this on purpose. It's just all I wear to sleep.

I smiled. I gave him a look, and he nodded.

Y/n: "Yup."

Jake: "How romantic!"

He said like a mom hyping up her daughter.

Johnnie: "Matching with my girlfriend is pretty romantic."

Jake and Tara paused. Johnnie and I looked at each other, then back at Tara and Jake.

I didn't know it was possible, but their smiles grew bigger. Suddenly, they started jumping up and down and cheering. They faced each other and held their hands together. They started dancing.

I looked at Johnnie and started laughing. He looked at me, playfully scared. He broke into his usual laugh.

Johnnie would look away and cover his mouth. It was the cutest laugh to see and hear.


I am currently with someone who wouldn't treat me wrong. He was the finest man I've ever seen as well. Someone so perfect, and he's with me. He likes me.

Since we got together, we have seen each other in person every day.

My thoughts were interrupted by the loud outro song of the movie.

Y/n: "Wanna go outside? It's pretty out."

Johnnie: "Sure."

He got off me and stood up. I arched my back to stretch and got up. When I looked at Johnnie, I giggled. His hair was flat. I got closer to him and shook my hand through his hair. He smiled.

We both walked to the back door. When I opened the door, a wave of cold brushed my body. I stepped out, and Johnnie closed the door behind us.

Instead of sitting in a chair, I lay down in the grass. I looked at the sky. It was dark, just about black. The only thing lighting up the sky was the moon and many, many stars. It was a plain sight, but still so pretty. Johnnie joined me. He lied close to me and stared at the sight.

I stayed silent for a bit until Johnnie broke it.

Johnnie: "Do you smoke?"

I hadn't smoked since I moved here. I wasn't addicted or anything. It was just something I did.

Y/n: "Depends on what."

Johnnie: "Weed."

When I say smoke, I don't mean cigarettes. Cigarettes tasted bad and made me feel sick afterward. I smoke weed. It's definitely not better than cigarettes or vapes, but it made me feel better.

When I'm high, I'm more jolly. I laugh more, I feel happy, and I kinda just act high when I'm high. I'm also a good listener, too.

Y/n: "Yeah."

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