Chapter 2 - 1471 "Battle of Barnet / Fall of London"

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Richard (eventual King of England)

The Northumberlands give us passage through the north of England, we gave them the pretense that we march only to reclaim our Dukedom of York, and not our crown. I don't know if we're believed, but the guise is enough to get us in. I am against it in that it's dishonorable.
"You're the true King of England, that's a Lancaster tactic to lie to seek landing it's what Henry the Fourth did, it's dishonorable," I say.
"Boar. Look into my eyes. Shut up," Edward says, hand on my hair, "Got it? We are going to get you into battle. Then hopefully bedded. So that you calm the fuck down. But until then you will close your mouth. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my liege," I say, even though that is technically talking.
So I'm overrruled and we do it anyway. The ruse is simple at best, in the end it's blatantly obvious we're headed for London. And our hydra has three heads.
Jasper Tudor holds London. He'll send Warwick out to meet us that's the best move Warwick's an experienced infantry man. Tudor isn't he's a spy and politician not a general, he's no warrior. So, Tudor in London, he holds the throne he's the king to topple. Warwick is going to be the first line of defense to stop our march and at least buy time for the third and final front. Margret of Anjou and her son, who sail already it is said from France. They'll have an army. And some guns. They're still a threat Margret and Jasper would love to put that boy on the throne. We absolutely, must, beat them to London.
"Boar is shaking I think I'm going to have to let him talk," Edward sighs, hand on his face, "It's been a nice three days men, but it's probably over."
"Don't look at me like that, Boar, it has been easier to think," Buckingham says, arms folded.
"Go on," Hastings, he's one of our lords, Edwards friend, says, rubbing his face, "It's his first battle he's naturally going to be excited."
"Oh he's excited as it's his first time being alive, I think. Yeah, what is it Boar?" Edward asks.
"Let me lead a charge at Warwick," I say, quickly, "Please, brother. I can do it."
"Boar you've not seen a pitched infantry battle it's not like skirmishes," Edward says, "I need to outflank Warwick he's got superior men."
"Which is why I should do it," I say, "So you can outflank him it's what you're good at. Let me do what I'm good at. I won't hesitate. And Warwick will expect to overwhelm me if I charge to capture him."
"Why will he think that?" Edward asks, not doubting, just wanting to know.
"Because I am young, and inexperienced compared to him. And my back's crooked. He will never believe a crouch backed, boy, could take his banner so I'm going to try, and that's bait he'll take in a moment which means he'll concentrate forces on me expecting to crush me but he shan't, because that gives you time to do what you need to crush him," I say.
Edward raises his eyebrows.
"It could work," Hastings says.
"Did you just volunteer us to charge bloody-war-hero-Warwicks-perfect line?" Buckingham breaths.
"Oh yes," Lovell says, because he's a real friend.
"Take your guard. Charge them, if you have to fall back do it, I don't care, it's a distraction," Edward nods, "Could buy us the time we need."
"Do it," Hastings says, "If you can rally your men to charge."
"They'll follow me," I nod.
"I'll do my best to get to your position. But a distraction is all I need. Just make him think you're the main line of attack and I'll outflank him, should be easy," Edward say, smiling his arrogant smile, full of mirth. We should do this forever. He is good at. We're made for war our whole breed.

Anne Neville (eventual Queen of England)

We dock in the early morning hours. Land is sighted and we're all woken. And we all don at least simple armor. We don't know if they'll meet us at the docks with fighting, at this point. The Yorks have already sailed too. 
I'm no longer surprised that I'm included in receiving armor. And Queen Margret's ladies quickly come to braid my hair tightly and put it up. I'm also given a sword, one light enough that I can actually lift it. The lightest mail and plate they put on me is still quite heavy to me, though I say nothing because everyone else is clearly entirely comfortable back on dry land. Exeter and I are the only ones who didn't get sea sick on our stormy voyage, naturally strong stomached I suppose. Edward and Margret are too stubborn to admit they're ill but they both have vomited multiple times. We got sent back to port from France three times so I'm glad at least I could maintain my composure.
Edward and Exeter are in armor quicker than us ladies, and are armed with swords, and daggers. Queen Margaret has an axe which looks heavy but practical enough of a choice.
We convene on the docks, with the latest messages.
"Yorks are marching south, toward London. London is still held, my uncle's got minimal men though. George is, of course, turned traitor," Edward sums up, handing his mother the note.
"What else is new?" Exeter spits, "Where do you want me? Please say London."
"We can't divide our men. We've nearly no army, we're not going to beat them to London, and if your uncle's correct which he usually is and George is turned, we're not beating the Yorks to London," Queen Margret says, looking at her son, "We should go back to France."
"No," Edward shakes his head, "If we don't beat them to London then we rally in Wales. I'll be damned if I leave England again. I'm not running. No more, mother. Would you have me a coward?"
"No. I didn't bring you into this world to hide you from it. But I cannot help but wish to shelter you from it," she says, tears nearly in her eyes, "We have but six thousand men. If this information is sound they will have closer to twenty. And with your father captured they have no need to take you alive. You are the hart to be slain, the one thing standing between Edward of York and the throne, just you."
"Then let him come to me, and feel my rage," Edward says, "Agincourt was won with the same numbers, mother, my grandfather took France with such odds. I can retake my own crown."
"Then we shall," Margret says, softly, and I don't know what her look is or what it hides.
"We make for London. If we are beaten there and my father captured, it's the standard plan, we regroup with a fresh army in Wales, where my uncle will meet us," Edward says, "Exeter, I assume you and he have rendezvous points should we lose contact?"
"Oh yes," Exeter says, nodding, "I'll find him. Don't you worry."
"That's worst case. For now I'm sending word that at all costs my father and uncle must just meet us in Wales, I care little for London," Edward says, shaking his head, "But ideally Warwick's army will at least slow them enough."
"Warwick has superior forces, he should be able to stop them," Margret says, taking a breath.
"Devon, that is my Exeter, and Cornwall are loyal to us, we have the south of England, and we have Wales, with it we can at least get refuge and raise armies, but that takes time," Exeter says.
"Right, time we have, hopefully, if Warwick wins," Edward says, "For now. The object is to get my father back. Should we see battle, Anne, our usual method is my mother, and now you, the ladies, remain back on the line, with the generals not riding, Exeter and I keep vanguards we go into battle if necessary. If we are in battle that means we're possibly losing, so you ladies take refuge in the nearest abby till someone fetches you."
"Thats usually me," Exeter raises his hand, which is hard because he's chewing on the cuff of his sleeve, "Me or Jas."
"My uncle or he yes usually do that," Edward says, nodding.
"They come or they send someone, or we go on foot and meet in Wales, the majority of Wales is friendly to us," Margret says, "If for some reason we are separated, use that. Most any Welshwoman will help their Princess."
"Also, full transparency, my father never need know this—but this family has nothing against lying to pledging loyalty to the enemy, in order to, you know, keep your head attached," Edward says, lightly, "Obviously, my mother and I can't really do that. But you and Exeter, can —completely go for it. If you're captured? Please say you hated us and all else and whatever will get you in a comfortable room where it's either easier for us to kidnap you back or you're happy."
"I'm married to you," I say, slowly, "They're not gonna believe it."
"It works, it has worked, bloody do it if necessary," Exeter says, "I'll come fetch you obviously."
"Ideally it won't happen, but should you get picked up. Loyalty to me, means staying alive, all right? That is what I want," Edward says, hand on his chest, "Okay? Deny me a thousand times, and live in comfort and safety till we can meet again I care not. We men have done to keep our heads attached, I do not think they would kill you for your loyalty but they could do worse things. Put you in poor situations where you could be in danger."
"I don't think they'd do that. But, all right," I say. They aren't that bad. They'd send me home to my father I'd just be whatever, a captive held in some rooms. It's not like they'd do anything terrible to me. But he's worried that's sweet.
"Wales, Scotland, and obviously France, all our allies," Margret says, "All fine meeting points if we're separated. The idea of this is to remain alive, to fight another day."
"Precisely. And so, we march out," Edward says, nearly smiling, "Let's go take the crown back."

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