Kensington Palace

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A week after the firstprince reached the Kensington Palace they went to the Waterloo Hospital. Last time Alex came here for damage control, so he came unwillingly. This time is different, he was really happy to make a visit and had a lovely chat with the kids. Alex is a fun loving person so kids liked him very much.

After the visit when Henry was about to get in the car he saw a familiar face staring at him, he was shocked to see the person staring at him. It's Luke. As soon as Alex noticed Henry's horrified face he approached Henry from the other side and looked in the direction he is staring.

"What happened Henry? Who is that guy? Why you guys are staring at each other like this?" Alex asked nervously.

"Alex." Henry sounded scared.

"Hen!!" Alex put a hand on Henry's shoulder but he is still saying nothing. Alex is so done now. He turned towards Luke.

"Hey!! You! You piece of shit. Why are you looking at boyfriend with that face that you've loaded a week shit in your ass." Alex starts to act recklessly. And Henry tries stop him.

"Alex! What's wrong with you?" Henry protests.

"Then tell me why he is looking at you like that?"

By the time Shaan reaches and enquires about the situation Luke starts to walk away. Shann didn't see his face.

"Hey! Stop there." Alex screamed at Luke and turned towards Shaan. "Shaan don't let him go."

"No. No. Alex. Stop. Shaan don't follow him. Alex, let him go." Henry screamed at them.

"What?" Alex looked at Henry confusingly. Shaan walks away from them giving them privacy.

"It's ok Alex. He has gone."

"Seriously Henry. Do you know the guy?"

Henry looked away from the Alex.

"Henry, look at me. What's the deal?"

"Alex, it's Luke."

"Luke what?" Alex recollects the message incident. "Like...Like your ex?"

Henry nodded. Alex remains quiet. He thinks it's better to talk about it once they reaches the Palace. They didn't even say a word during the drive. They both were processing what just happened and thinking about what Luke was doing there. After they reaches the Palace they both went to Henry's room. An awkward silence filled in the room. They were changing the clothes and Alex decides to break the silence.

"So... Um... You've any idea what he is doing there?" Alex asks Henry unbuttoning the shirt.

"No!! I haven't contacted him."

"No. That's not what I meant. I'm worried about you. I mean he sent you a threatening message that I didn't took seriously but now he shows up from nowhere. Maybe he is dangerous. But I don't know him. Only you know him personally."

"Actually it wasn't a love relationship. It was very casual and I made that clear. Yeah, I said that thing to you too. But unlike I never loved him. And
I broke up with him when I realized his feelings for me is not good for me."

"And how did he took that?" Alex wants to know about Luke's nature so that he would know if Luke is anyway threatening to Henry.

"That was not pretty anyway and he wants to continue the relationship." Henry closes the distance between them and takes Alex's hand and rubs it with his thumb. "But it wasn't like our case, in that you had the every right to be mad at me and call me every filthy words." They both burst out a laugh. "Because I fucked up with you, even after I know I'm deeply in love with you. But there I never loved him and never gave him a wrong signal. It was completely his fault."

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