The Finale

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"Alex!" June placed a hand on Alex' shoulder from his back that makes his head turned over slightly and gives her a look. "What are you doing?" June asked him calmly.

"Drinking water." He says   expressionless and placed the bottle back on fridge.

"You know, that's not what I meant."  June climbs up on the kitchen counter. They are now on one of June's friends house. "You are freaking out."

"What else I supposed to do?" Alex is really worn out from the things happened in the past few hours in his life. And that is very evident on his face.

"Alex. Come here." June takes Alex' hand by her hands and give him tight squeeze. "You can do tonnes of things, you idiot." June says giving a knock on his forehead.

"I failed him." It came out as a whimper.

"Ohh baby no. You didn't. Actually it's the opposite." She gave him another squeeze.

"No June. He is my boyfriend and I promised him to keep him safe. I did everything but keep him safe..." A tear fell from Alex' eye.

"Alex! You are talking like something really bad happened to Henry. He is fine. Nothing happened." June assured him.

"No. That asshole assaulted him. What I saw when I entered the house is the screaming Henry from the pain and that fucker was biting him." And here comes more tears from his eyes. June pulled him towards her and wipe the tears away.

"Can my baby bro please listen to me? It's all happened for a reason, look, now it's over. You don't have to worry about that asshole ever."

"Yeah." Alex sniffs.

"'Yeah' what?"

"I got that." Alex forced a smile.

"Don't dare to give that fucking smile to me Alex." June gave him a death stare.

"June. I understand that it's over. But it doesn't change the fact that I left him alone here and let that bastard in my house. It's all my fault. I should have been more careful."

"But we can't change the past. All you can do now is hold your Hen tightly and assure him that you are there for him no matter what. And I know you can do that. He must be really scared Alex. He needs you. You should be more stronger for him. Can you do that?"

Alex nods his head. "Yeah, I can." Alex smiles at her.

"You heard what doctor said that he would awake in any minute soon and you don't want your boyfriend awaken all alone again, do you?" June asks.

Alex shakes his head frantically.

"Then go. And all your insecurities and fears will disappears when Henry gives you a genuine smile." June gives him a pleasant smile.

Henry was still sleeping when Alex entered in the bedroom, he sits on the side of the bed and cupped Henry' right cheek with Alex' hand. Alex gently placed his head on Henry' lap and closed his eyes. He can feel that he is slipping into the sleep.

"Alex, let me go" Henry says and Alex looked down on his own hands. Blood. Henry' blood.

"No. No." Alex cried. The place is weirdly dark and he failed to recognize the place, still he can saw Henry clearly. And he is crying.

"I have to go Alex. You can't save me." Henry cried.

"No. I won't let you go Henry. You can't leave me." Alex says between his sobs.

"Sorry Alex." And darkness starts to take away Henry from Alex.

"Henry!!! No!!!" Alex screamed.

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