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Eventually the troops get over the fact that the top war general in the nation—and second only to the Blade in the world—has a mask decorated with a neon pink smiley face. Standing in near perfect formation, all they seem to be is a group of dolls, manufactured people with the same uniform, same guns across their backs, at attention and ready.

"Today, we will battle! For some of you, many of you, it will be your first, and possibly your last! Some of you may think that an act of delinquency, like vandalism of a superior officer's mask and uniform, will help keep you alive, but I assure you, it will not! I will not hand out punishment for this, but know that if you die, it will be on you! You are not dumb, useless children anymore! You have risen up to do a task that will change your life forever, and that means you are now men and women!" Dream yells, watching as everyone stiffens in an attempt to stifle their laughs once again.

"We're big men now, Purpled," Tommy whispers.

"Shut up, Red," Purpled mutters back, using a nickname from their childhood that has only ever really meant 'I love you'.

"Do the heart with me, grape boy. You love me. Do it," Tommy says, holding his fingers out in a half heart shape for Purpled to complete.

"I hate you," Purpled replies, even as he puts his own hand out and finishes the heart.

Tommy winks dramatically as Purpled reaches towards his knife in a playful gesture.

Their hands link either way.

A sharp whistle sounds, catching their attention easily. Everyone snaps a little straighter, a little more perfect than before.

They begin their march towards the smoking fields, heads held high, weapons clutched with shaking fists.

They are Essempi soldiers, ready to fight for their freedom.

(They are cattle walking to the slaughterhouse, cluelessly)


As they get closer, everything seems to get harsher. The smoke, once a distant sight, is now suffocating and thick, a hundred yards barely visible. There are fires dotting the destroyed corn field, blazing spots of orange with a smell so repulsive that more than one of the soldiers have to move over in order to throw up. The ground seems to be stained red, blue uniformed men laying in precarious stacks, red uniformed soldiers stacked similarly.

There are pits everywhere, an undeniable product of explosions, as well as random corn stalks, which cause everyone to start tripping. It's oddly quiet at the moment, the silence sharp and shattering, causing everyone to strap their armor on just a little tighter, weapons double and triple checked as they move past a set of barricades.

Without even a second's warning, the air is filled with a cacophony of loud gunshots and screaming. Everyone scrambles to get to the ground, Dream's commanding voice urging them to fight back and defend themselves. Purpled, unsurprisingly enough, stays calm, crawling with Tommy towards a pit. As they settle in, Tommy takes his backpack off and rifles through it, throwing morphine and other pain killers in one pocket of his uniform, and putting the gauze and bandages at the top of his bag. He arranges his bag in front of him, tightens his helmet strap, fixes his mask, and listens carefully. Purpled pulls his gun out, carefully taking aim and shooting.

"Medic!" Someone, not anyone Tommy recognizes but it's still someone, screams with a cut off cry.

"Cover, Purps, on your two!" Tommy shouts, waiting for Purpled to move before dashing out, easily finding the person. He takes a running dive, dragging them into a ditch just a few feet from where they are. Their leg is gushing blood, staining the uniform as they let out harsh whimpers.

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