Chapter 18: Chaos time...

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This is basically for those who wanted the Monopoly game meme... and I added the UNO meme as well...

Hope you all enjoy...

"I HATE YOU!!!" Odie shouted, pointing at Deuce who looked just as pissed.


"Deuce.... give Odie your 200$, you landed on his property..." Miah calmly spoke, looking like she doesn't wanna be there.

"No!! He's in jail!! I'm not gonna give money to a criminal!!" Deuce shouted as he pointed at Odie.

"Deuce! The rules are simple and This is not how you play!!" Riddle glared as he counted his money.

Lilia is just watching with a grinned, snickering. Cater and Trey are trying to calm Riddle down and stopping him from cutting Deuce's head off. Jack is just standing nearby as he didn't really wanted to get involve.

"... why are we all screaming all of a sudden?..." Malleus asked, holding his money as he stared at the others.

"Shut up... you don't get to speak..."


"Sebek! Quit yet darn shoutin or I will shove mah foot up yer arse!!"

"Such language Kingscholar..." Malleus replied with a calm voice yet the sound of lightening said otherwise.

"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!!!" Ace shouted, already about to go bankrupt.

"ME TOO!! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS!!" Epel shouted back and threw the dice at Ace, which they both end up fighting.

Miah sat on the couch, holding Epel on her right and Ace on her Left hand. Preventing them to fight.

"How about we play UNO?... what's the worst that can happen..."

"Miah, we can Okay UNO when we finish this damn game!"

"Language (Y/n)..."

"Either way!!"

You rolled your dice and move 8 spaces, landing on Jack's property.

Cue, you paying Jack and all that shit.


"And those are the rules for UNO... everyone got that?..."

Miah asked, glancing at everyone in the room.

'I really don't wanna stop another fight... and I don't wanna see anymore green lightening or anything...'

I meant everyone, including the mini boys, who are interested in this game and are holding up 7 huge a$$ cards.

Well, except for Miah who just wants to go to bed already.

"Yeah, we all got it!" Ace grinned, confident he'll win.

"I think we got it... right guys?.." Deuce spoke up checking his own

"The rules seem pretty simple." Riddle glanced down at his, seeing he has a 4+ and mentally thinking of a plan.

Trey, Cater and Jack just sat there, staring at their cards and just stays quiet.

Malleus just goes along, Leona just glances at him and huffed.

"Now what's with the glare, Kingscholar?.."

Twisted Wonderland came out of my phone!?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum