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You sighed and slumped down on the couch in the living room.

"Why can't school just teach us useful shit!?"

You groaned and stretched a bit.

'Great, now I'm hungry.....'

Throwing your backpack to the side, you got up and went into the kitchen.

Entering to grab yourself some soda and perhaps make yourself a small snack.

While doing so, there were some small movements and small cluttering here and there yet you assume it's just random noises that happen.

Opening your fridge and taking out a soda, opening the tab and chugging it down.

"Ah I needed this so bad...."




You blinked and placed your soda can down.

Slowly turning and trying to find whatever is making those noises.

".... Probably mice ...."

You muttered while moving a few items on your countertop, trying to see or spot anything.




You quickly turned and grabbed a glass cup, immediately placing it on top of whatever it was

"Gah!? Release me you insolent giant human!!"

You froze, sort of recognizing that voice.

Looking down and seeing.......

Holy shit it's fucking Lilia....

".... General Lilia?..."

You mumbled yet froze when realizing what you did.

Lilia clearly heard you and glared daggers at you.

"How do you know my name.... Get me out of here!!"

You stayed silent and continued to hold the glass cup down.

"Do you not hear me!? Release me!!"

He shouted as he banged on the glass cup and glared up at you.

You held the glass cup down as he was clearly trying to get out.

'God damn he's strong!!'

"Uh.... Sorry but no can do little buddy."

"I don't care!! Release me!!"

You sighed and put a few thick books on top to keep him from getting out.

You just stood there and see Lilia literally banging and trying to get out.

You then froze when seeing more movement somewhere else.

Behind one of your jars, peaked a head out and...

My fucking god it's the damn knight of Dawn.

You went and placed a glass cup on top of him as well.

He tensed and gripped his sword.

"Hey now, I ain't gonna hurt y'all but I also don't anything bad happening."

You gently spoke down to him, seeing him hesitating before lowering his sword.

As he did, slowly you lifted the glass cup.

You turned back and see Lilia with arms crossed and still glaring at you.

You sighed and stood in front of him now.

"If I release you, promise you won't do anything?"

"... Tch .... Fine ...."

You raised an eyebrow but slowly took the books off first and slowly taking the glass cup off of him.

Lilia immediately backed up and continue to glare at you.

"Now, explain."

"Uh... What?"

"Don't play dumb. Explain how you know me!"

Welp. I'm dead.

Pretty sure you can get the idea of this but I was thinking of whether or not to publish a book like this one but with just General Lilia and the Knight of Dawn.

Or I could just make them normal size and we can just deal with these boy's bullshit.

I could add Baul as well if you want me to publish this and yeah.

Let me know if you want me to or not.

And if you also want me to add Miah, and Odie.

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