Chapter seventeen

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“Where are they?” Kaiden yelled when he saw Melissa walking up to him.
Melissa sighed and shook her head. “We lost them, are you sure they came to the woods?”
“Are you doubting my efficiency?” he growled.
“Of course not,” she shook her head. “I just want to know because we followed them immediately and yet there is no sign of them.”
“My energy told me where they were and I am telling you now that they are in this realm, we just can’t find them yet. Oh but I will, I really will and when I do, I will make them pay for stressing me this long. They can always run, but they can never hide, who is going to protect them from me? Absolutely nobody,” he smirked despite the anger he feels. Glancing at Melissa, he scoffed, “I still don’t understand how your own daughter can be stronger than you despite being way older than her.”
Melissa rolled her eyes, “adopted daughter and besides, she is a pure blood and I’m not, so what do you expect?” she scoffed and walked away.
Kaiden snickered, he knew reminding her of how strong Irene is compared to her always upset her mood but he always does it, to get her to step up her game. “Keep searching Melissa, now that they are here, it would make finding them a lot easier. Besides, I noticed Irene’s energy, she is weak compared to usual. I don’t think she carelessly left the magical energy hovering around, I think she had fought someone, someone stronger than her,” he smirked, “now I wish I will find that person.”
“Someone stronger than Irene and a witch?” Melissa’s interest was piqued, “could it be a pure blood witch?”
“I don’t know, but I will find out,” he said and without a glance at her, he disappeared.
Kaiden emerged in his throne room and when he saw the dark figure sitting on his throne, he wasn’t as shocked as he was the first time. “You are empty handed, I guess you didn’t catch the princess like you have hoped,” the woman said without lifting her hooded head.
“How do you know that?” he asked, slowly walking up to his throne.
The woman smiled then and lifted her head but all he could see was her pale jaw and lips that were smiling. “I know everything, as long as I want to know.”
Kaiden nodded, he wasn’t surprised to hear that, but he was curious about one thing, “you fought her, didn’t you?”
“I assume you are talking about the pure blood witch,” she stood up from the throne and walked around it, “I didn’t mean to hurt her, I just wanted to scare her and also weigh her strength. She is strong if she is still alive by now. I didn’t mean to lose control but I did when she wanted to prove to me how strong she is. Well, what happened, happened and she won’t be able to cast a spell for some time.”
“Um…I think you are wrong there,” Kaiden said, “she casted teleportation spell tonight.”
The woman looked slightly surprised, “oh she did? Wow, that means she would be unconscious by now and would be for a while.”
“Unconscious?” Kaiden asked with a frown.
“Yes, like I said, I accidently performed Heart stealing spell on her, she would have been dead by now if it wasn’t for the princess. Now that is the one I am worried about, that boy is strong, very strong if he can release such power while still a fetus.”
“What do you mean?” Kaiden inquired.
The woman turned to him then, “don’t worry about that. You can try catching the princess like you have been doing and like I said, when you really need my help, I will be here. But mind you, they will be a price,” she grinned, revealing pearly white teeth.
“I don’t think that will ever happen.”
“Oh it would, my dear prince, it would. But until then, ciao,” she chuckled and soon she was gone but her laughter still echoed around the room for some seconds. Kaiden felt a beat missed in his heart upon what she had called him, how did she know that when he never told anyone?
Edward sat staring at the doors in front of him in disgust. Thrice he had stood up and went to them and thrice he had changed his mind and sat back down. He doesn’t know what to do, he knows his innermost desire is to go back to Aliyah, to his mate and be there with her when she will be putting to bed their son, his first child but he was scared. What if there ended up being another desire that he doesn’t know of? He knows that after his men died, he had longed for them to come back and stay with him as they were the only people who truly understood him and he also knew that along the line, he had wanted to follow them, to go with them and abandon finding the woman for him but when he went back, it turned out that the tree of death had vanished and so he couldn’t kill himself that time.
Now staring at the doors that would reflect his innermost desires, he doesn’t know if one of his earlier desires would be the one the doors would recognize or would either send him to the underworld to be with his men or just leave him here, to remain dead. He thought about his strong feelings for Aliyah and once more, he regretted not telling her he loved her that day, in fact, he regretted a lot of things. If he had known that he would die any time soon, he wouldn’t have stayed all those days hating her and threatening to kill her.
He felt the omnipotence presence behind him and knew Selene had returned and heaved a sigh. “Still thinking?” Her serene voice filled his eardrums and all he could do was exhale loudly. Selene chuckled, “this is just like a déjà vu except that I can remember very clearly where I have seen it before. Well, I brought you news about Mariah.”
With that, Edward turned sharply to her, “how is she?”
“It was a tough night for her, but…she is okay now.”
“What do you mean?” he frowned.
“The ‘mad man’ as you called him and his witch and deranged rogues attacked them tonight. The pure blood witch was wounded and could only teleport them into the woods before she lost consciousness.”
“Irene is hurt?” Edward panicked, “what happened to her?”
“I’m sorry Edward but I can’t tell you all that is happening in the world now, if you want to know, you just have to open one of those doors.”
Edward sighed and nodded “I know, it’s just…”
“You are scared,” Selene smiled, “I never thought I will see the day that Prince Edward Alexander the second would be scared. I guess now I can say that I have seen it all.”
“It’s been a long time I have heard that name,” Edward whispered.
“Of course. OH sing the song of the Dark Prince, Alexander the second.
He brings victory to the lands, enemies drop at his feet where he passes.
He is the warrior.
The devil son.
Ask not when the sun will rise, nor when the night would give in to day.
Ask not when the fight would stop, nor when you will stop hearing the silent footsteps.
For who is coming?
It’s the Dark Prince.
Ask not when the winds will stop blowing, nor when the trees would stop falling.
Ask not when the windows will stop clanking, nor when you will stop hearing the bloodcurdling screams.
For who is responsible?
It’s the Dark Prince.
Ask not when the sword would stop slicing, nor when the bloods will stop dripping.
Ask not when you will stop hearing the heavy breathings, nor when unfilial children will stop missing.
For who took them?
It’s The Dark prince.
Do not sing this song if you are scared of the dark, or be a disobedient child,
Or someone will visit your dreams at night.
Who is that?
It’s the Dark Prince.”
Edward was speechless by the time she stopped chanting her rather fearful poem. A while later, he was chuckling.
Selene chuckled as well, “you made children obedient. Their parents just had to sing this song to them at night and in the next day, they are doing everything they were told to do.”
“Half of that weren’t true.”
“Tell children that. Edward, you were already a great man before the tree of death gave you any powers, and it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to be afraid. But never let your fear define you. Think about the situation you left her in, think about how she needs you and tell me if being scared is going to solve anything?”
Edward closed his eyes. “I just don’t want to make mistake.”
“I know,” Selene sighed softly. “Well, if it would make you happy for today, she was saved by a night howler boy before she was caught. I think you know him, you have met him in the woods with her and her brother. So, I guess she will be safe for a while, while you gather the strength and courage to open one of those doors.” She vanished then and while Edward was happy that Aliyah was safe, he didn’t help but picture Steven’s face in his mind and he felt somehow knowing that a mere boy saved his mate for him.

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