Chapter forty nine

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“How could you have lost her to Maleeka?” Idrissa yelled at Gaziah who was kneeling in front of him while holding a little baby.
“I am sorry, My King. I had wanted to go for the mother right after getting the son. I had wanted to blackmail her into coming with me with her son. I didn’t think Medlyn would act fast.” Gaziah explained with his head lowered.
“Gaziah is right my king. I am sure that if it wasn’t for Medlyn, his plan would have worked. Which mother would refuse going with you to save her son?” A woman sitting on the foot of the throne smiled up at the king. “His plan would have been perfect.”
Idrissa sighed and rubbed his temple. “I didn’t say the plan was bad, but this boy has only been in existence for a period of days, I don’t think the vampire prince had grown a strong bond with him. Now his mate is certain because of how he has always been protecting her. At this rate, I am afraid we would lose to Maleeka.”
“If my king would listen to my suggestion, I have a way we can solve this,” the woman said.
“Of course my darling, why won’t I listen to you?” Idrissa asked.
The woman smiled. “Everyone always underestimates the rats but I don’t need to tell my king about their secret technique.”
“Which is?”
“The ability to project any form they want. Now we all know that they would never join in this fight for they know that they are the weakest of the demons but if my king can promise them safety and freedom under his rule, I am sure that we can bring them to work for us. Now with the support of the rat demons, we don’t really need the princess.”
Idrissa nodded in support as he finally saw the picture she was painting, “they can easily project her to the vampire prince and thereby making him think we have her. That way, we would win.”
“Of course, my king,” she smiled.
“Ah,” Idrissa smiled and caressed the woman’s flawless face, “you are as sly as a snake.”
“I am a snake my King,” she cooed.
“Fine, Gaziah, put the baby in his crib and go fetch me the rat king,” he ordered.
“Yes, my King,” Gaziah stood up from where he knelt and left the throne room.
Everyone stood around in the conference room as Irene poured the potion she has made in Steven’s and Mattew chapped lips. They all watched in held breath as the seconds passed and finally, Steven got up first with a gasp followed by Mattew.
“Oh, Steven,” Sarah cried and rushed to him.
“I am fine, mom, trust me,” he answered with a soft smile to her before turning to Irene. “What do we do? We have to do something before Edward finds out.”
“How do you know what we have been talking about?” Alan asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I was paralyzed, Alpha Alan, not unconscious,” he replied.
“Did you see the people that took Aliyah?” Aton asked.
“It was the cat demons. Their leader was a platinum blonde haired woman. She was the one that spat at Aliyah and after that, she couldn’t sense Edward again. We need to go to their kingdoms; we need to retrieve them.”
“What are you saying? We could barely fight them when they were here and now we have to go to their dens?” Mattew asked.
“Do you have a better plan? Incase you don’t know, we are only still casually talking about this because prince Edward has not found out, we should all pray to be alive when he does,” Steven challenged.
Sean sighed and shook his head, “Steven is right. Nothing is stopping prince Edward from killing every single one of us when he finds out. So if we want to be safe, we have to find Aliyah and Asher on our own. Now, let’s hope he doesn’t show up to check up on them for at least, two days?”
“And how sure are you that you would have found them in those two days? Listen, we are talking about the demons here, not the nightwalkers. They are stronger than us in every which way. Let’s not forget about their power of telekinesis,” Mattew said.
“So what do you propose we do, Elder Mattew?” Alan asked.
Mattew glanced at his alpha, “I say we tell the prince, if anyone can retrieve his family is him. And the earlier we do that, the better.”
Scarlet sighed, “I hate to admit but Mattew is right. We can’t fight them, we couldn’t even hurt them when they were in our den, what can we do in their own?”
“Scarlet, if Edward learns that Aliyah and his son were hurt in this pack, maybe the previous Edward would have listened to reason but the current Edward, not so much,” Irene said.
“She is right Luna. It’s going to be catastrophic if he learns about this,” Sean added.
“So what are we going to do? We can’t hurt demons and we can’t tell who can hurt them, how are we going to go about this?” Aton asked, baffled.
All eyes turned to Alan to make the decision and he blew out air from his mouth. “This is what we will do,” he began, “we will try first and if we end up not being able to rescue them, then we will tell him.”
“What kind of suicidal mission is that alpha? While tell him after me must have lost some innocent wolves?” Mattew inquired.
“Well, the thing is Mattew, it is better to lose some innocent wolves than to lose the whole pack with more than three thousand innocent wolves,” Alan replied.
Hearing that, Mattew sighed, “but the prince Edward I remembered is not unreasonable.”
“That’s the sad truth now, Elder Mattew,” Sean said, “the current prince Edward is unreasonable and with how he has been these past few days, he acts first and ask question later.”
“Well, that kind of remind me what he said that day in that meeting,” Aton began, “he had clearly said that if anyone hurts Aliyah, he would be acting first and asking questions later.”
Everyone vividly remembered that day but no one said a thing. They all know that Mattew was right, it was a suicidal mission and they don’t know who would live and who would survive if they should attack the demon clans but they know that Blue Moon pack would be wiped out of existence if they don’t act.
“Oh dear princess, it’s a brand new day and I was wondering if you would care to join me for breakfast,” Maleeka smiled as Aliyah was escorted to the dinning area by two female guards.
“Do I look hungry to you?” she asked.
“Oh, temper,” Maleeka giggled, “I like your feistiness, just like a cat,” she purred with her red nails shining and look sharp. “Honestly, you sure you shouldn’t have been a cat, you could have been a queen and possibly my friend. But they can’t be two cat queens so you will just be my friend but have a high place in court,” she winked. “Sit down, eat with me.”
“I want to see my son,” Aliyah demanded.
“Ugh,” Maleeka groaned, “and how many times will I tell you, I don’t have him, Idrissa does.”
“Then take me to him.”
“I can’t darling, cats and snakes are never friends. Idrissa is my competitor, I won’t go meet him with my prized possession.”
“Can you even listen to yourself? This is my son we are talking about here and it’s been hours that I last saw him. He needs to feed!”
“Ah come on, we are all demons, they can take care of him, trust me. He is a distinguished baby to them and Idrissa would order for the best snake mothers to look after him.”
“Well, that is the thing, he is not a snake!”
“I know, I know, he is royal blood demon, a beast. They will treat him like the prince he is, now come eat with me, I’m starving and this argument is draining the last energy in me.”
Before Aliyah could reply, the door banged and the woman she could recognize as the one that kidnapped her yesterday rushed in. “My Queen,” Medlyn seemed pensive as she called for Maleeka’s attention.
“What is it?” Maleeka asked, all joke and fun disappeared from her face.
“The Python King has made a move.”
“What did he do now?”
“Last night, he had invited the rat king to his palace and he was only reported to leave this morning. From my understanding, I think he wants to use them against the vampire prince.”
Maleeka nodded as she thought about everything. “He wants to use their power of projection,” she slammed her beautiful manicured hand on the table. “He wants to fool the prince and that means I will not even have a chance.” She glared at Aliyah who was surprised to receive her anger when she can’t even understand what was going on. “Hmm, Idrissa wants to play that game, fine, we will play the game. I am not going to lose the chance I have to claim that throne and I don’t care what I have to do to get that.”

Author's Note

Hello everyone, I am not happy at all and really, really sad.
I have successfully published the Book one of this book: His Mate, on Amazon and have been trying to publish this one for the past two weeks now but Amazon said the content of the book is related to one Michael Aaron Clagett. I don't know him and certainly don't even know how a book I wrote every word my self and the second book in a series could be related to a different author's book.
I have provided my copyright certificate but they said it's not enough and that I should provide by documentation that I have the publishing rights that do not conflict with the other publisher's right.
I am seriously at lost for I really don't know what else I can do.
So, I am writing to you all today for help, if you have any way to help me or have a possible direction for me to take, please do send me a message, I will greatly appreciate it a lot.
Thank you all so much and hoping to hear an advice from any of you.

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