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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Four

Leonardo Aloisio

After dinner, mom said that she wanted to talk to me, so we went into the living room.

"So, what are your intentions with Mia?" she inquired

"Isn't it obvious, mom?" I groaned

"Look Leonardo, I don't know that young lady's story, but I can tell that she has been through a lot. Whatever your intentions are, make sure they are pure." Mom advised

"Yes mom, I promise"

"Good" she said and left me sitting on the couch. I sighed and went up to my room. I took a short yet relaxing shower.

I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but couldn't. The only thing that was on my mind was 'How do I get Mia to trust me'. I know she is already mine, but I want her to fall in love with me by choice and not feel forced. Does this make me insane? Uh, what has gotten into me?

I heard Lee, can't believe he's under my care now. I've always wanted a kid, but I never found the right person to start a family with.

As I lay there, I remembered the question that I had asked Mia. "Is Lee's father the one you are running from?" She didn't give a reply, but I know I'm somehow right.

I got up off the bed and went to Mia's room door, then knocked.

Mia opened the door holding Lee in her arms. She looked scared, and she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She flinched when I used my thumb to dry her tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Why do you care? You are keeping us here against our will?" she hissed

I went silent for a while "Why are you crying?" I demanded, ignoring her words even though they stung.

"Nothing that concerns you" she emphasized on the 'you'. Why does this woman have to be so difficult?

"Come to my room' I insisted

"I'm not going anywhere" she refused

"Now!" I barked. I think k I scared her because she moved quickly through the door. I lead her to my room. Once we got there, Mia placed Lee on the bed and covered him with a blanket. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was 11:34pm.

"My men found a broke down car on the road" I informed.

"It's not mine, I don't want it" she said

"You're forcing us to stay here, and we have nothing, not even extra clothes"

"We can go shopping in the morning" I offered

"I don't have any money"

"Don't worry about that, I'll buy you whatever you desire"

"I don't want your money"

"You will use it; besides, Lee also needs clothes, bottles, crib, wipes..." I drifted

"You may be right, but I still don't see why you're doing this" she stated, she doesn't?

"There's something about you Mia" I said, looking at her. She looked at me as if studying me, and then she averted her eyes to her sleeping baby. Mia gets in bed beside Lee and laid down. She ignored me for the rest of the night.

In the morning, Mia and I ate dinner with my family. She changed, and we, including Lee, left for the store. Mia didn't want anyone holding her baby, so she brought him along. On our way to the store, Mia was awfully quiet.

I took her to a lot of different places so that she could get everything she wanted. She was hesitant and picky, so I decided to choose for her. I bought her a lot of necessities.

Two weeks later...

Mia and I only exchanged a few words to each other in the past two weeks. It's really starting to annoy me. It was around 6 pm when I decided to pay a visit to her room. I knocked on the door and entered.

Mia was sitting on the bed with Lee in her arms. They were facing the window.

"Mia" I called

"I need to leave this city as soon as possible" she said without sparing me a glance.

I sighed and sat beside her "Well I don't live in New York, I live in Italy. I'm staying here for a few months and then return home. Mom and Isabelle are going to be moving there also" I told

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You and Lee will be coming with us, of course. I wouldn't leave you here" I answered. She stayed silent.

"So, tell me about yourself, Mia Carlton"

"My name is Mia Ahara" she corrected

"I thought you said that your surname is Carlton"

"No Lee's surname is Carlton, I'm not married"

"Oh, good. Then how about you tell me about yourself and Lee's father, if you don't mind" I suggested

The surrounding felt calm and peaceful, something I haven't felt in a while. Mia must have felt it too. She sighs and began talking "I'm 21. I had a great life growing up, especially with rich parents like mine. Then, one day, I met him, the handsome bad boy that made my heart race. The gut that promised me forever. We started going out together, the best time of my life.

One day, my parents told me that they had arranged for me to marry some guy that I didn't even know. I try to tell them that I was in love with someone but they didn't care. I went to Jake's house and told him, he suggested we run away together, I agreed. That's the worst mistake I've ever made."

"He's a fool to treat such a wonderful woman like you this way." I declared

Mia wept, and I comforted her.

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