Then it all came Tumbling Down

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Ten
Then it all came Tumbling Down

Mia Ahara
3 days later

The room was dark but it was lit up by the moonlight which shone brightly through the window. I was half asleep when I felt it, his rough yet gentle hand caressing my breast. A small moan escaped from me.

“What are you doing?” I asked sleepily

“Shh.” He silenced. He continued to caress my breast then moving his hands down slowly between my thighs. I turned around slowly, my eyes fluttered opened.

Leonardo’s built figure was outlined by the moonlit room. His square face, narrow-angled jaw line and his dark green eyes stood out.

He sat up on the bed and sat on me gently, I could tell that he was only wearing a boxer.

My messy hair was all over my face but I manage to keep my eyes on him.

Leonardo moved my hair from my face and leaned forward, our ragged breaths mixing with each other.

“Leo I…” I started, my heart beating like a drum

“Shh.” He commanded putting his finger on my lips. He leaned even closer and connected our lips. Our lips moved passionately in sync. I moved my hand seductively through his shiny black hair.

His hair was wet as if he had just finished taking a shower. I could feel water dripping onto my face from his hair.

His lips traveled from my lips to my neck and then from my neck to my breast.

Feeling more confident than ever, I sat up, spun Leonardo over and sat on him. He looked at me in surprise. Both my hands were now around his broad shoulders as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes.

My thin night dress has ridden up over my buttock. I shivered and my head fell into his clavicle when I felt sensuous hands on my butt cheeks.

I reconnected our lips and we both fought for dominance. My hips began moving on its own accord and I bit Leo’s lip softly in pleasure. I could tell that he was excited because he was so hard and standing tall.

Leonardo took off my night dress and threw it on the floor, he spun me over and I laid flat on the bed. He kissed from the valley of my breast to the waist of my lingerie.

“You’re so beautiful Mia.” He breathe as he slid off my lingerie leaving me bare before him.

“So beautiful.” He kissed from the waist of my lingerie to my lips. I broke the kiss and slid off his underwear.

“Do you want me to continue Mia?” He asked. I knew I couldn’t get any words out so I nod my head in reply.

“Use your words Mia.”

“Yes, I want you to continue.” I breathe

“Good.” He said as he positioned himself between my legs which were wide open. I moaned in pleasure when I felt the hardness entered between my thighs. His thrusts were hard and fast yet so pleasurable.

We made love to each other with the moonlight shining through the window.
I woke up to someone tapping my cheek lightly, my eyes fluttered opened and I saw Leonardo staring down at me.

“What is it?” I mumbled while I rubbed my eyes, I was exhausted from last night’s activity. My cheeks heated while I remember every detail.

“You have to get up and take a shower. Michael’s brother will be here soon…” Leo informed. I froze, suddenly feeling nervous when he mentioned Michael’s brother. I haven’t told Leonardo that I had a bad feeling about this person because I didn’t want him to think I’m being paranoid.  I don’t know why but for some reason I have this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen.

“The kids are already downstairs, get ready and come down.” He said.

“Do I have to?” I groaned

“Yes now get your lazy bum up.” He said tapping my leg. I sigh and got up from the bed lazily. I almost fell over as soon as my feet hit the floor, thankfully Leo was there to catch me in time. He had a wide smug smile on his face. I slapped his chest lightly. I then limped to the bathroom and showered.

After I had finished taking a shower, I went downstairs and heard Lee giggling. Entering the living room I saw Alessandra holding Lorenzo in her arms while Lee was laughing with a man.

“Um excuse me.” I tried to get the man’s attention, he froze then stood up straight. That figure, I know that figure.

He stood up his angry figure walking to the bathroom, his back facing me. “Come on Jake don’t be like that, I said that I was sorry.” I apologized even though I did nothing wrong.

“You flirted with a guy Mia, when I was right next to you.” He roared

“He and I were not flirting. He’s just a friend.” I told in disbelief. How could he think so lowly of me?

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He said and walked into the bathroom. I got off the bed and ran and hug him from behind.

“Please Jake, I’m sorry.” I said sadly, he turned around and kissed me.

“You’re mine Mia.”

I took a step back and found the courage to say his name “Jacob” he turned around with an evil smirk attached to his face. I stared at him in definite fear.

Wait, who turned the air off? I can’t breathe. “Breathe Mia.” I heard Alessandra command but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I try.

I couldn’t stay awake any longer so I closed my eyes and welcome the darkness.


I was in the kitchen drinking coffee when I heard mom’s voice said “Breathe Mia.” I got confused. Why would she be telling Mia to breathe?”

I put the cup on the counter and went to the living room. I saw mom with Lorenzo in her arms while Michael’s brother was around Mia who was on the floor unconscious. Speaking of Michael isn’t he suppose to be here by now?

I rushed over to Mia and picked her up “What happened?” I questioned worried

“She had a panic attack.” Mom answered

“Why, what caused it?”

“She freaked out when she saw Jake.”

I looked and saw Michael’s brother, his name is Jake? Why does the name sound so familiar? Not having the time to process why the name sounded so familiar, I walked away with Mia, bringing her to our room.

Few minutes later Mia awoke and uttered three words that had me sad and furious at the same time.

“He found us.”

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