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Ch. 10: Knox's ex-fiancé

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As someone recently forced into an arranged marriage, Anthony was surprised by all his free time. Someone much smarter than him once said idle hands did the devil's work, but that sounded worse than what Anthony was actually up to. The most impressive decision Anthony made was agreeing to send the wedding invites.

Just saying yes. 

If Anthony was any more bored, his organs were going to start failing.

Or worse, he'd do something drastic to cause a stir. Like set a small fire in the lawn.

Anthony sat on the floor of the castle, outside of Knox's study with his ear pressed against the wood. At first, Anthony was innocently dropping by to ask Knox for a tour of the town, when he stumbled upon Knox arguing with his uncle, Maurice.

Someone slammed their first against the desk. From Maurice twice as loud volume, it must've been him. "Any other coven values the opinion of their council."

"And I do," Knox insisted, sounding a little tired. Anthony pressed closer into the door, hearing Knox sigh. "But you're not the only one on my council."

"It's your mother," Maurice spat like an accusation. "I know. If she says jump, you ask how high. You're too old to be hanging on her teat." 

Anthony covered his mouth to keep from laughing. He should've popped some popcorn and brought a chair. This was too entertaining. 

"No matter how crude you speak, Maurice," Knox said and despite not raising his voice like his uncle, his words were colder and if he was any icier, Maurice would surely be burned. "It'll never persuade me. This might work on the people around you and your staff, but not me, so don't insult my mother."

"Then I'll stick to insulting you. You're weak."

"I'm careful."

"You're too soft."

"I have a heart," Knox argued quick and Anthony avoided raising his fist like this was a baseball game in need of some celebration. 

"Well," Maurice said with a haughty laugh. "Your good nature doesn't pay the bills or fill this castle. Meet me in the middle and sire at least a dozen."

"You want me to make a dozen new vampires? All at once? Just anyone?"

"I could vet them for you. A good leader divides their tasks."

"I have it handled, Maurice."

"And the tax?"

"I'm not charging a full tax on people who are living a half-life. Everyone is still under curfew. I have this handled."

"No, you're right! We just have enough money to throw around for a wedding too!"

Anthony frowned. This didn't sound good. Not enough people to defend the coven from these monsters and not enough resources to sire new vampires and train them. A creak in the flow made Anthony jump. He whirled around at a tall wispy staff approach. He wore the familiar black uniform, but with a small green pin in the shape of a branch.

"Um, excuse me—" The nervous thing piped up, but Anthony put a finger to his lips to hush him. Anthony looked at him again, at his warm brown skin and feathery black hair. It looked like an attempt to tame it had been made, but his hair had other plans. This kid had sunken tired eyes and elegant features. He was lovely, but also in that shiny coin sort of way. So bright, so young, and new.

Anthony heard more rustling behind the door and jumped to his feet. He grabbed the staff by his arms, hoisting him slightly off his feet and hurried down the hall. When Anthony finally stopped, he was surprised that this kid actually covered his mouth to not make a sound.

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