Control Vs Flow

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Davy in his level 2 form, Ro-Ro; Jack Mowered Bojack across the island, to try and toss the Bounty Captain into the sea.

Bojack: "Control Air: Slide"!

Turning air into a physical slide, Bojack looped around towards Davy.

Bojack: "Control Body; Powerful fist of steel"!!

Davy: "Ro-Ro; Jack Drill"!!!

The Captains clash fists.


Bojack: You made a BIG mistake, kid!

Davy: Me?! I told you to bring her back to me unharmed! And you go and give her a black eye!?

Davy: You're going to pay a thousandfold for hurting my crewmate, pirate cosplaying Bo-Jackass!!

Bojack: So you saw what was in the box... No wonder you're wanted DEAD!

Bojack: You can't help but give everyone a reason to take your head!!

They hop away from each other and prepare for their next attack.


Tiga and Victor were left to fight the rest of the Bounty crew. Azriel of course joined in, however, she specifically flew over to Ruby to defend her from the grunts.

Victor was facing Sora in a shootout between guns and crossbows. As Tiga wrestled with Omar with his cane and metal ball.


Victor's bullet and Sora's arrow bolt stopped in the air upon colliding, due to having an equal amount of power.

Victor: Hmph. That's an insult I will not stand for.

Victor:: "Scorpio Minor Caliber"!!

He fires two bullets as he swings his arm. These bullets were infused with the element of water. One bullet made a path of water, as it curved behind Sora and the second bullet ricocheted off the first, taking the current and curing towards Sora's shoulder.

But the crossbow sniper was quick to defend. Flicking the shaft of her bolt as she fired it, Sora caused her arrow to curve around her and hit Victor's bullet.

Sora: Hah! Nice trick. But you ain't nothing compared to me!

Sora: I kill sharpshooters for a living! You might as well call me your natural predator!

Victor: I'll call you dead after this is done.

Tiga: Nyiah!

Throwing a punch, Tiga's attack was blocked by Omar who lifted his iron ball in front of her fist.

He then shoves her back.

Tiga: Heh!

Backflipping to recover from the shove, Tiga immediately tilted her head to avoid Omar's cane, but the Bounty Muscle was anticipating that.

He pulled his cane, and the hook landed around Tiga's neck, dragging her closer for Omar to swing his metal ball at her.


Tiga blocked the metal ball with her palm and armament Haki.

Tiga: What's with the stupid ball?

Omar:(smirks) It's the perfect weapon to keep my enemies in place.

He drops the ball on her foot.

With a heavy thud, the earth under Tiga's foot shatters.


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