girl under the floor reaction

519 15 0

valyrian -bold

grounder -italics (im to lazy to spell the actual name for the language.)

octavias pov: 

We all look around trying to figure out where we  will be watching my life moments, when a big screen appears Infront of us.  

"Oh issa dōna tala, ao emagon ūndegīva things ao dōrī should emagon ūndegīva" rhaenyra spoke (oh my sweet daughter, you have seen things you never should have seen.)

"what does that mean?" i ask tilting my head to the side in confusion. 

"dont worry Issa byka warrior." a tall man responds.

"i dont mean to sound... rude but i never got the rest of your names." i bashfully say. i watch as the man who spoke chuckles deeply. 

"im daemon targaryen." he spoke. 

" im luke, your older brother." a brunette haired man? boy? spoke 

"im jace also your older brother." another brunette spoke.

"im aegon your uncle." a short white haired man slurred 

"im aemond, your other uncle." the one eyed man spoke 

"im viserys, your grandsire" a frail older man spoke 

" im alicent viserys second wife." a brunette woman spoke. 

" im heleana your aunt." the other white haired girl dreamily says. 

"dont mind her she's and idiot." aegon slurred angrily. i raise my eyebrow and look over at bellamy debating on whether or not i should put him in his place. he only smirks. 

"Yu aegon, are a drunken Branwoda, Yu calling em an idiot na nou make Yu feel better odon fact dei de bilaik stuck kom em, en ste drunk does nou help matter gon meika either, en kom taim Yu grow jok up en learn dei de jos kos bilaik a hef does nou mean bilaik invincible, bilaik jos a drunken Branwoda chon ste trana gon odon compensate gon chit Yu nou yu don, a mami" i angrily spit out .both clark and bellamy raise their eyebrow at me in surprise.  ( you Aegon, are a drunken fool, you calling her an idiot will not make you feel better over the fact that your stuck with her, and being drunk does not help the matter at hand either, and until you grow the fuck up and learn that just because your a man does not mean your invincible, your just a drunken fool who is trying to over compensate for what you dont have, a dick)                    

i then lean over to helaena and whisper. " Ogeda hef souda wan op ba Oso nou laik Ai" (all men must die, but we are not men.) she looks confused and i quietly translate it to her, causing her to giggle. 

"can someone translate what she just said?" alicent questioned. both Clark and Bellamy look at each other.

" its better if we don't for his sake and yours." clark speaks nervously.   

" i am curious though. if luke and jace are my brothers, whos my parents?" i ask quietly, rhaenyra must have heard me.

" me and daemon are your parents, before you ask yes we marry into our family and we all but never marry outside of family to keep the bloodline pure so we are able to have dragons." she explains. 

" ok so your my mom and daemon is my dad? to be honest i really dont care, cause i came from a small metal box in outer space and lived under the floor for 16 years of my life." i quietly explain to her. 

"if you dont me asking but what language do you speak? and yes thats right." rhae- no wait nomi  (mom) asks 

" its called trigedasleng, or as we skaikru call it grounder language." i respond. 

"skaikru?" she repeats

"its translated to sky people." i translate.

"can we please talk about how she's able to fight with a sword?" alicent speaks 

   "Issa tala iksos nykeā warrior, nykeā dāria, ao emagon daor paktot naejot másino zȳhon ao hightower orvorta."   noni  (dad) spat at her. ( my daughter is a warrior, a queen, you have no right to question her you hightower cunt.) 



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