Aegon you are wonkru or the enemy of wonkru

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i want to thank dracula1673  for this idea thank you friend :)

old valyrian 


octavias pov:

as we are all sitting waiting for the next clip to be played im talking with my newly found parent's. we all jump slightly when the screen flashes letting us know that the next clip is ready to be played. 

i look over to bellamy and clarke with a oh shit facial expression. they look at me and smirk then discretely point to my new found family. i slowly turn and look at them with a sheepish smile. i watch as their faces change from anger to surprise and fear. 

"is there something you would like to tell us  Byka warrior?" (little warrior) daemon asks me. 

" uhhh, no?" i ask 

Issa dōna hāedar, what do you mean?" (my sweet girl) rhaenyra asks me.

"whos that man over there in the corner next to alicent?" i ask trying to distract them from the question (also cause i forgot to add otto hightower in the introductions T-T)

"thats otto hightower alicent father and the hand to the king ." daemon responds 

" he looks like a cunt." was my response. i hear muffled laughter from daemon and rhaenyra. 

" he is" was a muttered response from both luke and jace 

" another bastard rhaenyra?" otto asks

" oh look nomon another pussy." (mother) i responded 

" watch what you say little niece, that is the hand of the king." aegon says 

"aegon was it? you dont scare me, nor does he. watch yourself uncle. im far scarier than your worst nightmare." came my response. 

"little niece, im the next in line for the throne, be careful  of what you say to me." 

i looked over to rhaenyra and saw the betrayal on her face and i knew that he just usurped her throne.  i stood and made my way over to him after i stole daemons sword he had. 

" Aegon, Otto, Alicent, Aemond. you are part of wonkru or  you are the enemy of wonkru, choose" i gently press the blade of the sword against each of their necks as i say this. " and the next time someone decides its their place to put someone else who is not my mother on that throne, will face my wrath. keep that in mind the next time." and i slowly make my way back over to my mother, father, and three brothers.                                       

flinching slightly at this certain clip. but straighten my shoulders and look at the others with a blank face and mouth choose to the four people.

" you did this octavia?" daemon asks 

"and i would do it again if it meant that i kept the others safe. i just did it for mother's claim to the throne." was my response.

" thank you my sweet girl." mother thanks.

"i would do it for jace and luke as well."

Se daor ōdrikagon jāhor befall ao byka mandia" (and no harm will befall you little sister) jace spoke. 

en taim bilaik bash op nomon nontu brothers, Jus drien jus daun" (and if your hurt mother, father, brothers, blood must have blood) came my promise.

hope yall like this. once again thank you dracula1673 for the idea. 

none of the pictures nor the videos belong to me.   

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