An Agreement Ch. 5

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It had been at least 2 1/2 minutes of silence and Kiyotaka's eyes staring straight at Hisoka, unwavering. Hisoka could't tell what was going on inside the boys head and it frustrated him, but he did know that the boy was angry. Even if it didn't show on his face, it showed in his grip, and through the actions he'd just taken. Then, finally, the boy spoke, "I do not belong to anyone. I do what I want, when I want. You are not an exception."

This amused Hisoka greatly and all he could do was smile while slowly raising his hands in mock surrender. "Sure~ sure~" Kiyotaka knew he was being mocked, but quite frankly he didn't care. He had gotten his point across, the one downfall to this situation was that Hisoka now knew the singular thing that made him tick. That could definitely prove to be troublesome. it also meant he'd have to have better control of his anger from now on. He needs to squash this weakness if he wants to survive.

When it looked like he and Hisoka had reached an 'understanding' he released Hisoka's face, and brought his own hand closer to his face to inspect his new nails. Hisoka had slid out from under Kiyotaka, but remained sitting in front of him. Hisoka had noticed Kiyo's fascination with his nails, and quickly his own fascination grew. He pulled the boy into his lap while grabbing the hand with extended claws for himself. He waited to see how Kiyo would react before focusing to hard on his nails. Kiyotaka made no move to free himself, but once again his eyes were trained on Hisoka and his every movement. Hisoka may not be to Kiyotaka's level, but he was no idiot either. By now he'd figured out that Kiyotaka was only letting him do this because he could tell Hisoka did not intend to do him any harm. He also knew that the relentless stare was coming from a place of sever distrust more than anything else. He knew that if so much as has a muscle spasm that felt threatening towards Kiyo, he'll act.

Hisoka finally brought Kiyo's hand up to his face to inspect. It really was peculiar how they grew as fast as they did. They didn't look like they did when Illumi showed him the Zoldyck method of body manipulation. The ones in front of him looked far more natural. Hisoka had felt Kiyo's eyes looking back and forth between himself and his own nails. When he looked at Kiyo's face, he saw the boy had the slightest glint of confusion and interest in his eyes. He himself didn't seem to know about the nails. He decided to act on that realization. "You didn't know you could do this." It wasn't a question and Kiyotaka knew it. He could have answered, but it wouldn't do him any good, Hisoka already knew he didn't know. Instead he went with "So?" "Was that sass I heard? My~ I didn't think that was something you were capable of~" Kiyotaka only blinked slowly in response to the teasing. Hisoka sighed, "Well I tried. Give me your other hand" Kiyotaka did. Hisoka found he was oddly compliant when he didn't feel he was in danger. More so then a clueless five year old. The boy in his grasp truly was an oddity. When Hisoka let go of Kiyo's hand and took hold of his other, he found that his nails remained normal. He brought the boys hand so close it was almost touching his face, the action only met with very minimal resistance. Hisoka began looking for anything that looked abnormal on his hand.

At first he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary but then he noticed a spot of skin, only barely darker then his natural skin tone, just below his middle knuckle. He tried pressing on it, but nothing happened. He kept looking to see if he could find anything else. This time when examining the palm of his hand, he found another spot of darker skin. it was odd how it seemed to align with the other. That's when Hisoka put his pointer finger on one spot, and his thumb on another before squeezing. In less then the blink of an eye, Kiyo's nails were grown out and sharpened to a deadly point. But the trigger wasn't the only interesting thing he found. He saw Kiyo's nose scrunch when he his nails were triggered. "Did that feel different then when you did it naturally?" Kiyo took a moment contemplating whether or not he wanted to indulge the man, but he decided his curiosity was greater than his spite at the moment and nodded. "Different how?" It took a minute but Kiyo eventually answered him, "The first time it felt like someone lightly pinched my skin and pulled a little. I really didn't feel it much-" "But you felt it more when it was forced, or was it a completely different feeling?" Kiyotaka was surprised at how serious the man's voice sounded just now, but decided to carry in order to get out of the position he was in as fast as possible. "It was completely different." Hisoka had a look on his face that said 'exaggerate' so he did, "It felt like a wave or shiver got sent through my body. It didn't feel cold. It felt uncomfortable, but on the verge of being something pleasant." Hisoka knew exactly what that feeling was. He got it every time he was faced with the prospect of fighting a strong opponent. It was slightly exiting for him to see someone experience the feeling without knowing what it was, not to mention knowing the boy was that innocent! He really needed a way to keep the boy with him, he was just to entertaining to let go. He had to.

"Hey." Hisoka said catching Kiyo's attention, and bringing his gaze up to meet his own. "I was thinking, what if instead of you just belonging to me, we made a deal that you can take or leave?" It was silent. "Well ... lets hear it then." Hisoka had made it past the phase of being completely shot down. "Here it is then, I will give you everything you need, and provide you with anything you want. If it's not in my power, I'll make it within my power-" "And what do you get for that?" Kiyotaka asked skeptically. "And in return, you act as my familiar of sorts, traveling with me, fighting with me, helping me with odds and ends." Kiyotaka wasn't responding, so Hisoka quickly tacked on a "you can decide which requests you execute" in hopes to hear an answer of agreement with the conditions.

Kiyotaka took a minute to think about the deal presented to him. He knows very little about this world so being on his own wouldn't necessarily be ideal. He was also free now, free to travel and explore the outside world, even if it wasn't his own. This man could make that very possible, and not have to worry about getting lost or finding food and a place to stay. He was being given the freedom to choose the tasks that he would be doing to pay the man back. He would be in control of himself. Hisoka does look like trouble and mentioned fighting, but he didn't have to hold back here. He could fight to his hearts content and without consequence by the sound of it. "Fine. I accept your deal." Hisoka grinned "Great! We leave for the hunter exams tomorrow!"

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