A New Friend Ch. 26

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Kiyotaka didn't get another word from the boy, instead his two hands found there way to his cheeks, they were slowly inching up before tentatively removing his hood. The boys eyes were practically sparkling, Kiyotaka only looked up at him blankly. It was while he was waiting for the boy to step back that he felt himself being lifted into the air, and finding himself sitting on Hisoka's shoulder. With his voice dangerously low, Hisoka asked, "And who might you be~?"

"This was my previous opponent" Kiyotaka responded when no response came from the boy. "Take no offense Kitten, but I was asking the young lad here his name, and now am also inquiring what he could have possibly wanted from you to have to be so close." Hisoka turned his gaze to the subject of inquiry "Hmm~" Hisoka prodded. "Well, he just used this impressive move in out fight, I had intended to ask him to teach me." "That doesn't explain your proximity to him, or rather, lack thereof." "I was curious if he was actually a guy, the only thing that makes me believe it is his voice, even after seeing his face, I don't know- " "I can assure you Kiyotaka here is a guy." That's when Kiyotaka finally jumped back in, "What is your name?" "It's Bel" "Bel is quite the feminine name" Kiyotaka teased. Bel just sheepishly scratched his cheek, laughing meekly.

Kiyotaka turned his attention to Hisoka, "What floor are you headed to?" "The 200th, you just have to win one more fight before you're done for the day, I honestly didn't think you'd only have to partake in 3 fights, I thought the arena would make you go slower since it's your first time here, but I guess not." "Hm. Well can we just wait here in 2 hours then? I don't really want to go all the way back to the floor 1 lobby." "Sure, see you in 2 hours Kitten" Hisoka sang sweetly, before dropping his voice again "And do remember what personal space is" he said looking at Bel, who nodded hastily, being under the pressure of Hisoka's killing intent. After applying pressure for a few minutes, Hisoka finally took his leave to go get a room.

Kiyotaka and Bel walked off to the waiting room of the 109th floor. Bel was still a bit shaken from being under so much pressure and didn't know how to appropiately start up a conversation. He figured an apology was a good start though, to clear the air, "Umm... " he began nervously, "Listen, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or get you in trouble with your boyfriend, I-" He was about to continue when a raised hand from Kiyotaka cut him off, "We are not dating." "You're not?" "Well, we do things that I've seen and read couples do, but our relationship is not like that. At least not yet." "So you want to be his boyfriend?" "I'm not sure. I've never seriously dated someone before." "Does that mean you've dated someone un-seriously?" "Yes. I know nothing of romance and used this one girl to learn. I was never serious about any kind of future with her emotionally." "I see." Bel said. This really was a complicated situation. This boy next to him knew nothing!

Bel was having an internal conflict. He knew that Kiyotaka clearly considered and even knew he wanted to pursue an emotional and romantic relationship with the tall man from earlier, but he was also just wanted to take the cute boy for himself! How could a guy be this cute? It was impossible! It was even more attractive that he could fight so well and maintain the absentminded elegance he exuded. It was too much! He knew he couldn't in good conscious pursue a romantic relationship with Kiyotaka anymore, but maybe he could be a friend. Just a friend that was slightly closer and touchier then the average friend. That should be fine right? As long as he played his cards right in front of the jester like man that interrupted earlier.  It could work!

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a poking sensation on his cheek. He looked over to see Kiyotaka starring at him with his unchanging expression. "y-y-y-yess?!" He stuttered out leaning back slightly, not prepared for the proximity of Kiyotaka's face. "Your number was called. You have to go to arena 5." "I see, thank you for telling me!" "It's really no problem" Bel leapt up from his seat before standing in front of Kiyotaka. After what seemed like a moment of contemplation, Bel lungged forward and gave Kiyotaka a big hug, "Wish me luck!" He loudly cried. Then brought his mouth to Kiyotaka's ear, "I'll meet you here after our fights, lets be friends, yeah?" Bel stepped away before turning to head off, but was stopped by Kiyotaka. "I can't meet you after, but this is my contact information." Kiyotaka said showing Bel his phone, a cue to put his information in his phone. Bel's eyes sparkled at the round about acceptance to his declaration of friendship. With his new friends contact information, he happily made his way to his next arena.

"He's finally gone" Kiyotaka sighed slightly. That guy was exhausting, but he oddly couldn't bring himself to hate it or the boy. He also felt a slight rush at the genuine offer of friendship. It was his first one since being completely set free. He knew he could never have the same kind of feelings towards the boy that th eboy has for him, but he was glad the boy realized that early on and is willing to settle for friendship. It was something that made Kiyotaka curious. If you loved or wanted something, why would you back down and settle. He knew that he wouldn't.

"1487 to arena 8" Kiyotaka's internal analysis of the situation ended and with one certain thought. 'I could never want to do with him what I want to do with Hisoka' With that conclusion he made his way to greet his opponent. It a guy who was very average. looking, how he made it this high genuinely confused Kiyotaka. That just meant that the man had to be stringer then he appeared. He was correct. Well somewhat. The man was definitely stronger then the average guy, but he didn't stand even an inkling of a chance against Kiyotaka. The man was flat on his back and foaming at the mouth when Kiyotaka was done with him. He'd made it to the 200th floor.

Kiyotaka practically rushed to the meet up spot. he hadn't anticipated to miss being in Hisoka's company so badly. It was strange and concerning, but also oddly comforting. He was finally experiencing what it felt like to return to something he truly held dear. He also had the comfort of knowing how strong Hisoka was, so he didn't have any worry over the situation. It was basically the best case scenario.

When Kiyotaka spotted Hisoka he walked up to the man and crawled into his arms, buring his face in the mans chest, relishing in his scent. They didn't need to exchange words, they just headed back to their new room, happy to be in each others presence. When they were finally in the room Hisoka walked straight into the bathroom. He set Kiyotaka down on the closed toilet and bent down to turn on the bath and monitor the temperature of the water. He didn't want a repeat of last time. When the bath was ready he walked out and came back with a pile of cloths and a towel. He set both down before giving Kiyotaka a head rub, "You take a bath and I'll make us some dinner. Come join me in the kitchen when you're done in here. yeah?" "Yeah"

Hisoka was in the kitchen making rice omelets for the both of them when he heard Kiyotaka coming into the room.  "Can I ask a question?" "Of course! Anything!" "What is this outfit?"

  "Can I ask a question?" "Of course! Anything!" "What is this outfit?"

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"Hmmmmm!" Hisoka almost screamed, and had hearts in his eyes. "I knew this would suit you! They're your new clothes! I know they'll be far more practical then what you've got on, and besides, I just knew you'd look adorable!!" Hisoka leapt at Kiyotaka and hugged him tightly before pulling back, looking Kiyotaka over, screaming and squeezing him again. "You're too cute, and you're all mine~" He cooed while rubbing his cheek on Kiyotaka's head. Kiyotaka was not as put off by those words when they came out of Hisoka's mouth as he once was. It actually felt nice. Without even realizing it, he reached his arms out and round Hisoka's back, latching on to him. Once he did it was like he was frozen in place, Hisoka just stood and relished the moment. Kiyotaka had leaned on him before, and done a little more, but he'd never gotten a hug from the boy before, it was far more satisfying then he'd ever imagined a hug could be. He wondered what else he'd learn he was wrong about?

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