Chapter 38

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This morning, my mom prepared a delicious breakfast. Me, Monie, and my mom sat together at the table and had a nice conversation about life.

Afterward, Monie and I went to my bedroom for a private sisterly conversation.

Monie sat down on my bed. "Sooooooo......"

"What?" I questioned. I put my phone on the charger and sat beside her.

"Let's talk Bey-yawnnn-say!" Monie shouted.

I shook my head. "Nope."

Monie smacked her lips and got off of the bed. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. "Why? I thought you and her were a sneaky couple."

"Monie." I eyed her.

Monie eyed me back and jumped at me. "Spill."

"You don't scare me." I stated. "I don't feel like talking about it, I already have to talk to her about something later today if I decide to even do it."

"Remember when I told you that I wanted to do what sisters do? We tell each other everything and promise to keep it between each other." Monie reminded me.

"I do remember, Monie." I sighed. "It's just too much and you remember when the cops came to the house that one morning?"

"Yes. I was about to call momma and tell her but you begged me not to." Monie said.

"I went outside with the cops. I asked you to stay in the house and that was because I was going to be arrested for drinking as a minor. But luckily, Beyoncé came to the house just in time and convinced the police not to arrest me. She then accompanied me to the police station to pay my bail. After that, I never spoke to her again. Mom still doesn't know about any of this."

"What does that have to do with Beyoncé?" Monie questioned.

I flopped back on my bed and laid down. I gazed up at the ceiling. "I fucked up." I paused and took a deep breath. "I was partying with friends and everyone left me, I called Mom and she didn't pick up. Plus it was late so I called Beyoncé because I knew I could depend on her. She picked me up and took me to her house, I was being clingy and doing too much and she pushed me. I pushed her back and she fell on her stomach and began crying and screaming in pain. She bled and I thought it was her period but come to find out when we got to the emergency room she was pregnant with a baby. Her fiancee came and I didn't know she had one but she had just recently got engaged and didn't tell me anything. He was upset and yelled at me, I cried and left. I told him to tell her I was sorry and didn't know. I saw her at the studio yesterday she seemed to have been perfectly fine and I hope her child is okay too."

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