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Rodolphus was shown standing at the alter,
wearing a suit. He then turned his head to
look at something in the crowd.

"Wow Rody, you and Bellatrix are getting married even in this world." Lucius told him.

Rodolphus looks at him coldly yet Lucius could see the embarrassment peaking out.

"Hey why do you assume it's me he's marrying in this world." Bellatrix asked Lucius.

Regulus looked at her like she was stupid. "Please Bella like he would look at another woman everyone knows that Rodolphus is in love with you."

Lucius pointed at her nodding furiously.

At the back row of the crowd sat Barty,
Lucius, Regulus, Rabastan and Evan.

The Ones shown gasped and looked at Rodolphus and Bellatrix In betrayal.

"How come you put us in the back Bella." Regulus asked while looking at Bellatrix with sad eyes.

Fun fact no one could say no to Regulus when she pulled out her sad eyes, according to Lucius it's a crime against nature, according to Barty..Lucius was just in love...but it did make you feel bad like kicking a little puppy.

"I'm sure we had a good reason." Bellatrix said while not looking into her eyes, knowing she would give in and Rodolphus nodded in agreement.

"Ok but what about me, I'm your brother Rod." Said Rabastan while looking at his brother in betrayal.

"Yes, your my brother and you've also lost two rings that I gave you for safe keeping so are you really surprised I put you back there." Rodolphus told him.

The slytherin table Students and Adults meanwhile watched them in amusement the Lestrange brothers were more open and free than they had ever seen them and additionally Regulus was also more open the members of the House of Black were happy that there baby star was happy.

Sirius however looked at them from across the hall in jealousy, because as much as he likes to say it was awful growing up with his family there were good times and everyone in that group was apart of it; Rodolphus who was like the older brother he never had, Bellatrix who everyone commented he was like twins with, Lucius who understood what it was like to have to be the heir, Evan and Pandora who visited often and were like cousins thought they were only related to Narcissa and Bellatrix and Andromeda and finally Barty who was always Regulus's shadow her loyal knight and her fiercest protector.

Andromeda felt the same way as Sirius as she looked at them from across the hall even when she felt Ted's hand in her own, it was only when she felt Nymphadora move that she felt herself settle after all if she hadn't left she wouldn't have her.

"Rodolphus? Do you take Bellatrix to be your wife?"
The pastor asked as he stood next to them.
Bellatrix was in a beautiful white dress as she
held hands with Rodolphus.

"Oh Bella you look beautiful." Pandora told her cousin in her light airy voice with Regulus and Narcissa nodding in agreement.

Bellatrix blushed. "Thank you my darling cousin and my sweet sisters."

Regulus, Narcissa and Pandora giggled.

Andromeda felt her jaw clinching before she looked down at nymphadora and she made her jaw relax.

Rabastan was shown leaning to Barty and
whispering to him.

"What's the difference between a
piscapaleon and a Lutheran?" Rabastan asked.

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