Trailer | Hobbs & Shaw

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The trailer started with showing the city of
London at night, a helicopter flying overhead.
"I'm dealing with the future of the planet."  Augustus rookwood said as he was shown walking through a warehouse wearing an all-black suit, past soldiers with machine guns.

"Calling it now he's the bad guy." Lucius told everyone.

"Oh yeah, well I bet that he's not." Regulus said.

"Bet." Lucius asked. Regulus nodded.

"Bet." Regulus told him

"I'm the necessary shock to the system."
Augustus continued as an expensive car was
shown speeding through the streets and
stopping right in front of a building.

"That's quite a high opinion of himself." Rabastan said bemused. He then started smiling. "But it will make me happy when he gets his ass kicked."

Everyone who heard him started nodding in agreement, rookwood was an ass.

A party was shown with models dressed in
metallic outfits getting their pictures taken.
"I am human evolutionary change." Augustus
stated as he was shown in a lab with his
shirt off, on his knees getting scanned by a
The machine scanned his spine as the
nanobots inside him responded, Augustus grit his teeth from the pain.

The wizards looked shocked at how advanced the technology was that the muggles used. The Muggleborn and Half-bloods also looked shocked after all they weren't that advanced yet.

"Bulletproof." Augustus continued as soldiers were shown running and a door exploded.

Regulus was starting to regret the bet she had made with Lucius. She also decided that if Rookwood made her lose the bet, she was going to tell his girlfriend that he said she was kinda crazy.

Lucius looked at Regulus who was he knew was starting to realize that she was gonna lose.

"Superhuman." Augustus continued as he
approached a van but stopped when a group
of soldiers aimed their guns at him.
He raised up his hands as the camera
showed Regulus also aiming a gun at him.
"Who the hell are you?" Regulus asked
"Bad guy." Augustus responded casually.

Lucius cheered while Regulus booed. Their friends looked at them in amusement. They both were quite competitive people who didn't like losing even to each other.

The Gryffindor table looked at them in shock after all Lucius and Regulus didn't usually show that much emotion they were the ice royalty of Hogwarts.

Augustus punched a soldier in the throat then he kneed another one in the face, he
finished it off by shooting him in the head.
"The mission has been compromised."
Regulus said as she shut the truck door.
Augustus began punching the door as it made
large dents on the inside.

"Ohh, you better run Reg." Barty said. He then saw how everyone who heard him look at him like he was an idiot. "What."

Regulus rolled her eyes. "No Barty, I'm gonna stay still and let him kill me." She told him sarcastically.

Barty shook his head. "No, you don't want to do that." He told her seriously.

Regulus looked at him in disbelief.

Regulus was shown running with scratches
on her face, then she was shown talking on
the phone.
"We need help." Regulus said.

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