Chapter 41

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After three days of non-stop scenting, cuddling, and shielding his omega from any of the other alpha's view, Taehyung's rut finally ended. Based on Taehyung's endless effort to scent Jungkook, the alpha knew the omega likely needed a bath. Taehyung had absolutely refused to let the omega clean himself while his rut persisted, adamant that the pup couldn't wash off any of his scent.

Taehyung wanted to pamper the omega just a bit longer, show his appreciation for the time they spent together by gently cleaning him and bring him back to the pack himself. But after several days of being shut up away from the rest of the pack he felt he needed to talk to Namjoon and discuss what was happening.

Taehyung convinced Jungkook to let Hobi bathe him instead, reminding the omega how much he had wanted to see the alpha after he learned that Hobi had suffered through his rut alone. That was how Jungkook found himself in the bathtub with Hobi next to him gently washing and rinsing his hair. In the meantime Taehyung and Namjoon were in the small library talking.

"I saw the future again." Taehyung didn't waste any time getting the other alpha's attention. "Several times. I think being with Jungkook in my rut fully restored my powers."

Namjoon offered a soft smile in return. "I'm so glad. How did Jungkook do? It was his first rut and we were a little worried how he'd respond."

Taehyung's face lit up. "He was perfect, he is perfect. My wolf felt totally at ease the entire time and Jungkook seemed happy to receive so much of my attention." Taehyung ended with a smirk thinking about how submissive and calm the omega had been for the past few days, perfectly satiating his wolf's rut.

"I'm glad to hear that. There are six of us so hopefully the rest go just as well." Namjoon returned to the original topic, "now, tell me about your visions."

Taehyung had barely gotten started when they were interrupted by Hobi carrying a crying omega in his arms who was still dripping from the bath. "Hey Tae, I think we need you," was all he said before he walked back out of the room.

Scurrying quickly, Taehyung followed Hobi and Jungkook back into the sleeping den. Taehyung carefully rubbed the omegas back while looking at the other alpha in confusion. They hadn't been apart for more than 15 minutes and Jungkook was just having a bath. What could have possibly gone wrong?

"I don't think he's ready to be apart from you." Hobi said, moving to shift the omega out of his arms and back into Taehyung's.

"Hey, Hey it's time to calm down little lamb. What's wrong baby boy?" Taehyung was trying to soothe Jungkook and figure out what had happened at the same time.

"Do you love me anymore?" Jungkook sniffled then buried his face back in Taehyung's shoulder.

"Of course I do pup, why would you even wonder that? Did something happen?"

"You left me." It was just a whisper but Taehyung could hear it loud and clear.

"Ok, but I'm back now and I'll be with you as long as you want. I won't go anywhere." Taehyung was moving to settle back onto the small chair that had been brought into the room hoping the omega would settle down while Hobi watched the exchange in confusion.

Jungkook was finally calming down when Jimin quietly entered the room. "I heard what happened from Namjoon. How is he doing?"

Taehyung nodded to show he was doing better but he was still totally confused by what was happening. He expected the omega to be desperate to spend time with others after being trapped with him for several days.

"You know, I've read about this." Jimin was walking closer to Taehyung and the omega so he could gently ruffle Jungkook's hair. As soon as he did, the small wolf jerked away, pressing himself closer to Taehyung.

Based on the response of the omega Jimin was pretty sure he knew the issue. "You know how omegas respond to the alphas hormones when they go into rut?"

Taehyung nodded, "yes of course, they become more submissive and need to feel safe."

"That's right. Normally the omega comes out of it first but I've read about cases where it can take a while for the omega's hormones to balance back out. They are still deep in a submissive headspace and if their alpha leaves them they can feel abandoned, like the alpha no longer wants to protect and shield them from the world. He should be out of it soon but it might be best if you stay with him while his head clears."

"Oh baby," Taehyung rubbed the omegas back while holding him as close as possible. "I'm here, I'm sorry if you were upset."

"You might want to scent him again," Jimin suggested. "The bath might be what triggered it. He may feel better if he's scented to show he belongs to you."

Taehyung happily shifted to scenting the omega until he was relaxed and fully calm again. From there they spent the day together as Taehyung watched the omega come out from his rut triggered hormonal response. Taehyung told him stories that made that omega laugh while holding him close. Then the rest of the pack joined them for lunch while Jungkook sat on Taehyung's lap and later that afternoon Taehyung took the omega on a walk which seemed fine as long as the alpha kept their hands intertwined.

By the time they made it back to the house Jungkook seemed to be back to his normal self. Standing on his tiptoes he gave Taehyung a kiss on the cheek and whispered his thanks before untangling their fingers and running into Jin's arms who was watching them return from their walk. It seemed the crisis had been averted and the pack could settle back in with their normal dynamics.

Namjoon passed by Jungkook who was talking animatedly with Jin and walked out to meet Taehyung. "So tell me more about these visions."

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