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Dorothea and Elvira rejoined her mother merely minutes before the match was due to begin. The raven haired witch sighed as her daughter approached and leant in to whisper something to the man beside her who Dorothea recognised as Ezra's father, Barnaby Nott. Behind the pair stood Lucius Malfoy with Draco, the younger boy gave a nod of recognition and an awkward smile to the older Slytherins, before pausing to shout something up to where Dorothea noticed a flash of ginger heading up the stairs.

"Dorothea!" Barnaby exclaimed, kissing her on both cheeks, "you get more and more beautiful every time I see you," he said, winking at Clementine and then at his son. "Ezra's lucky to know such pretty ladies," he turned his attention to Elvira and scrunched his nose a little. "I don't recognise you, dear?"

"Elvira Jones," the witch said, smiling and confidently holding a hand out.

Dorothea noticed Clementine stiffen and mutter something to Lucius Malfoy, who had too joined the group.

"A Jones?" Lucius asked. "I don't recognise that name?"

Draco scoffed from beside him and Adrian Pucey huffed and put an arm around the witch.

"Well, she's been a Slytherin for the last six years, so you must be living under a rock, Mr Malfoy, shall we, Vi?" Elvira stifled a giggle and allowed Adrian to lead her into the minister's box where Dorothea watched the pair take their seats. She resigned herself to staying with Ezra, and the pair followed in Draco and Theodore, Ezra's brother.

"Where's my mother gone?" Dorothea asked, looking around.

Ezra shrugged and stood up and whooped as the Irish flew out, the witch's thoughts fading as the cheer of the crowd grew louder. Elvira stood on her seat and screamed when Viktor Krum came out, an action which did not go unnoticed by Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, Dorothea sighed as they stifled laughter at the sight of the witch. At Hogwarts, Elvira was normal. Slytherins liked her, hell, everyone liked her. She was funny and pretty and friendly and no amount of house rivalry could change that. To go from civil conversation with the Weasley twins to idle chats with Ezra Nott was a true sign of a nice person. But outside of Hogwarts, Dorothea never saw the girl, no one did. She lived with her muggle mother in Scotland somewhere, she said her father had magical blood but Dorothea had always suspected differently, but in a house like Slytherin, it wasn't even worth bringing up. Ezra was different outside of school, he too seemed to stare at the girl with embarrassment as his father observed him, but Dorothea supposed that she too shrunk in her mother's presence. 

Such was being a Rosier.

"Come on, now," Clementine Rosier said, reappearing with an arm wrapped around Dorothea's shoulder as soon as the game had finished. "Say your goodbyes, I want to get back."

Dorothea turned to Ezra and Adrian and smiled politely, hugging them goodbye before saying a few words to Draco and Theo. Clementine tapped her foot impatiently as Elvira laughed with the boys.

"We'll go without her," the woman hissed into her daughter's ear.

"Vi," Dorothea called, "come on."

The dark haired witch grinned and winked at Adrian, pulling Ezra into a quick hug and curtsying goodbye to Barnaby Nott and Lucius Malfoy, who were both watching Clementine with intrigue. 

"Clem?" Barnaby called. "A word?"

The woman turned to her daughter, "you remember the way to the portkey?"


"Good, I'll be there in ten minutes. Go, no distractions."

"Yes, okay." Dorothea said, tugging Elvira's arm and leaving the box.

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now