twenty three

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Elvira Jones didn't speak to Fred Weasley for a few days after hearing that he once again called Dorothea a death eater, her friend had snapped at her afterwards, saying she didn't care, and retreating to Ezra and Marcus. Considering that Flint had professed a random crush on Elvira, he had certainly taken to being quite awful to her, blaming her 'halfblood' or 'mudblood half' whenever she did badly in class, and making endless jokes about how since she didn't know her 'wizard father,' she was essentially a mudblood. Dorothea sat in the corner listening to this silently most of the time, not looking up from her book. 

"I take it you're over your crush then," Ezra laughed as Marcus once again jibed at Elvira.

"Putting my dick in anything other than pure-"

Dorothea snapped her book closed and looked up at the two wizards, "shut the fuck up, Marcus. Your dick will never go near a woman, I'll make personal sure of that."

The two boys laughed, with Marcus winking at Ezra and him grinning. Dorothea stared at her future husband through narrow eyes, when he smirked at her she grew more furious.

"His dick, however..." Marcus began, gesturing to Ezra.

When the blonde witch drew her wand the two boys held their hands up, holding back laughter.

"Never going fucking near me," she snapped.

"Well..." Ezra began, looking between his furious friend and grinning Marcus. "Been there done that..." He said slowly, raising his hands and shouting, "Joking, joking, sorry-" As Dorothea raised her wand

"Stupefy," Dorothea spoke calmly, sending Ezra hurtling into the stone wall of the common room.

"Wait til my father-"

"Maybe he'll break our wedding arrangement, here's hoping," she spat. "No more jokes about Elvira," she said to Marcus. "Or else."

"Alright, alright," the boy said, his voice faltering a little as he stared at Ezra cradling his bleeding head. "But just know, people are growing increasingly unhappy with her."

"People meaning the pair of you," the witch said, rolling her eyes.

"No," Ezra grumbled from the floor. "Vira is my friend."

"And you listen to Flint talk about your friend like that?"


"Stop concerning yourself with Elvira, she's a popular girl, not to mention harmless."

"Not like you, eh, Rosier?" Ezra said weakly, smiling at the girl.

Dorothea looked away from him and towards Marcus, "bother her again, and I'm off the team next year."

The wizard's face visibly fell, "oh, Thea, you really do know how to wound me. Sorry though. It was all only jokes."

"Even your concerns about her friendships?"

The two boys caught each others eye for a split second before Marcus turned back to the witch and nodded, "even that."

At dinner, Elvira gasped when Ezra walked into dinner with a raised, bloody, bump on his forehead, scowling as Gryffindors muttered with scattered laughs, and all other houses gawped, ignoring as Ravenclaw girls asked if he was okay, returning Dorothea's sarcastic smile with a frown.

"What do you think happened there?" Elvira whispered to her friend, staring at where Ezra sat down with Marcus and Adrian.

Dorothea chewed her food, debating lying as she didn't want to explain what her argument with Ezra was about. Regardless, though, she leant in to Elvira and whispered, "me."

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now