The Concert ~ Part Two

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#Imagine ~ Part 2

    Within the blink of an eye it seemed like, Austin’s set was over. You guys run around backstage for an hour after the show, waiting on people to leave so Austin wouldn’t get bum rushed by hundreds of fans. You find a basketball and start running up and down the halls bouncing it and tossing it back and forth between all of you. Then Austin, him still being sweaty from the show, sneaks up behind Dave and leaps on his back,  wriggling around hoping to cover him in his bodily fluids.

     “EWWWWWWWWW,” Dave shrieks when Austin jumps on him, he starts running across the hall, hitting Austin against the wall, “get off me! You’re so fucking disgusting! Austin, get off!! Dammit!”

     “NEVERRRR!!!” Austin belts out as he laughs and grips tighter around Dave, “Be me, Dave!! Soak your body in me!!”

      Your best friend, the crew, and you were dying of laughter! The crew keeps jeering Dave and cheering Austin on, Austin yelling “Yee” every time Dave gets even the slightest bit tired. You keep acting crazy all throughout the venue, then about 30 minutes later everyone starts heading home. Great, you are about to head back to your boring hotel room until tomorrow morning. Admittedly, you are beat. This night was perfect and full of energy, but you are just about running on fumes. Your friend looks as tired as you are. She gives you that “I-Know-You’re-Having-Fun-But-It-May-Be-Time-To-Go” look; yeah, you give each other those looks. You sit down on a bench outside of the back entrance you came through almost 5 hours before. The crew comes out right behind you, still full of energy. They look at you and laugh at how tired you are.

     “You girls look beat!” Alex exclaims, after he stops laughing, “How long have you two been up?!”

     “I don’t know about her but I’ve been up since 11 this morning.” Your friend says, eyes half closed, head against your shoulder.

      “I haven’t slept since 10 o’clock last night,” You giggle, laying your head in your palm, “I couldn’t sleep. I was too excited for the concert to sleep. Does anyone have a Red Bull?”

    “I got one right here!” Tyler says, pulling an entire can out of his pocket. You guess he carries them around like its no big deal. You shoot him a look and just started cackling. You snap the cap and guzzle it down like jello shot, immediately feeling the results kick in. Your friend was still sitting there half asleep.

    “Hey, I’m going back to the hotel room. I’m too tired bro, I’ll see you whenever I wake up and you’re there.” She says, pulling herself off of the bench.

     “Wait, you don’t want me to come with you?” You say out of concern.

    “No, you have fun with these guys. I know how much this night means to you, I just want you to enjoy it. But you do owe me!”

You whisper thank you, thank you, thank you, as she walks away and you hang out with the boys some more behind the building. They stay around for a bit before heading back to Austin’s condo because they were getting tired too. So that just leaves you and Austin, sitting there just talking to each other.

    “I really wanna go for a walk,” You say leaning against the fence and smiling, “I don’t know why, I really do. And on the beach too. It’s nighttime and I’ve always wanted to walk on the beach at night.”

    Austin looks into your eyes; he leans against the fence in front of you. “What’s stopping us? We can go now if you want.” He gives you a smirk and reaches out his hand


    “Yeah, but I have my shoes and stuff… And I don’t know, isn’t that illegal?”

    “C’mon stop being a wimp and let’s go! You can leave them in my truck, it’s just right there.”

    You giggle; he already started running to his truck. It was so much more beautiful in person, you love cars but his Red Range Rover looked better than your Camaro. He swings around to the passenger side door and open it for you, “Here, throw your shoes in there.” He says, pointing at a compartment under the seat where he stored his shoes. You maneuver them inside and look down at your bare feet, snickering a bit to yourself. Austin shuts the door and grabs your hand, taking off for the beach, practically across the street from where the concert was held. He wouldn’t let go, especially when he thought you were about to get caught by security guards around the hotels you were sneaking behind. You finally make it on the beach after all the ducking and dodging of all the guards. Every time you two would giggle you’d clamp your hands down on our mouths to stop the noise from travelling. And you would just sit there and look at each other.

    You are walking down the beach together and what surprised you was how Austin hadn’t let go of your hand yet like you thought he would. Instead his fingers are crossing between your own, his thumb gracing your hand as you talk.

    “I was thinking of things that I would probably be doing right now, had I not met you today.” Austin speaks, gazing out at the water, “I would probably be at the condo, passed out from that show while the guys prank me in my sleep... But in all honesty, I didn’t really want to go home tonight.”

    You look up at him and give him an empathetic look; you know exactly how he feels. Your life seems so boring, this was the most exciting thing you’ve done in years.. You give Austin a nod and say, “I know the feeling. That’s why I booked the hotel room for the entire weekend. I’m tired of sitting around my town doing the same things with the same people, I need to get out and switch the routine a bit sometimes.”

    He glances at you, giving a half-hearted smile, “It seems like you’re the only person who understands. I tell this to my family and friends and they just change the subject or joke about it.”

    You laugh together before you unhook your hand from his, and for a split second it seems lonely without his. You run over to the water and stand ankle deep, and then you slowly wade into more of the water until its up to your knees. Austin follows you in, it goes up to his thighs, standing further in. He grins at you and then just starts splashing you with tsunamis of water, you barely being able to splash more back. You guys start laughing like little kids and even start to throw your head back in between splashes. He starts walking closer to you and you keep trying to soak him even more. He grabs your wrists and you began fighting in the water.

    “Stop!” You yell at him in between laughs, “Austin! Put me down!”

    “Make me!” Austin teases, biting his bottom lip with a half grin on his face.

    You wrap your legs around him and he holds you there, gazing into your eyes, his forehead against yours. You both lean in for one the most magical moments of your life. His soft, warm lips on yours, wrapping around them ever so gently. You could feel his breath on your skin, brushing across your lips. You run your fingers through his soft hair, which was soaked from your splash war. He kisses you passionately as he slowly walks back on shore. You finally break the kiss after a few minutes. You hear what sounds like a police dog barking in your direction nearby. He jumps and grabs your hand as tightly as he could and you take off in the darkness.

     By the time you make it back to the truck it was almost 2:30 in the morning. Austin drives you back to your hotel room and comes inside. He refuses to drive that 45 minute drive back to his place, as exhausted as he was, he didn’t want to take any chances. You search through your bag and change out of your soaked outfit into one your favorites while Austin goes to his truck to get a change of clothes. You slip on your baggy black sweat pants and a baby blue long sleeved shirt just before Austin slides back into your room. He has on a pair of black and red gym shorts when he comes back, nothing else, which you enjoy. You sit under the covers of the bed, barely keeping your eyes open and Austin sits next to me, eyes drooping further down as seconds went by. He cuddles you up to him, laying your head on his bare chest, stroking your hair. He pecks your forehead delicately as he slides his body down for him to relax. You fall asleep on him, feeling the warmth of his body traveling to yours.   

    You couldn’t dream for a more perfect night than this.

Always and Forever (Austin Mahone Imagines)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon