Chapter 14

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Being a queen was hard. Lily had to win the side of every noble lady, which by the way was not easy since they hated Lily's guts.
"You have grown more haggard since we last met" one of them spoke mockingly drinking from her tee cup.
Lily loathed the idea of sitting with them, but it was one of her duties to gather the crew and learn about the rumors around the country. Noble women had a lose mouth, they could even blabber about their own husband and what they were doing behind the kings back.
Aside from that she had to take control over the high society's public opinion and protect Ciel in her own way.
"Are you perhaps pregnant, my queen" another one added.
"No, I am not, the weather is changing, and it affects me" Lily answered with a smile, that didn't reach her eyes.
"Get pregnant quickly my queen, you don't know when the king will lose interest" she sipped on her tee then continued "as you know, he has a lot of concubines and all of them are breathtaking."
Lily clenched her fist under the table to prevent herself from slapping her across the face.
"You don't have to worry, lady Aureigis" a calm voice came from behind her, and all the ladies quickly stood up to greet the great king. Lily rolled her eyes, it was surely Rawon who told him. She remained sitting.
Ciel came behind her and wrapped his arms around her neck hugging her softly.
"I could never get bored of my beautiful angel" Ciel kissed her temple.
"When will this party end, my queen?" he whispered in her ear and bit it. Lily flinched and turned to him looking shocked.
Ciel smiled sweetly "I missed you love."
"Ciel this is not appropriate" Lily's cheeks went dark red.
The ladies looked like they were enjoying the theater before them.
"My king, you have work to do, you should probably go back" Lily stood up. Now Ciel had the opportunity to hug her properly.
His Lily was so small in comparison to him, he loved that.
After a while the king decided he had embarrassed his little one enough and left after excusing himself.

After the ladies also bid their goodbyes, Lily sat alone with Asena.
"Do you think Ciel will ever turn his back to me and choose a concubine over me?" Lily sounded sad and Asena looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean my queen? The king already dismissed all the concubines."
Lily rose her eyes and Asena laughed.
"Don't tell me you didn't know, the king is literally obsessed with you. He came here as soon as possible after hearing that the ladies were harassing you."
"He did that?" Lily beamed giggling.

Davian arrived at the lady's house, who allegedly could help Allora.

"Your majesty, what a pleasure it is to have you as my guest" the lady said the moment she opened the door. She bowed and invited them inside her house.
After they sat comfortably on the couch, the woman directly started asking questions. She already knew the case, since Ezar had told her everything beforehand.
"Did she do any self-harm" the lady started.
"What do you mean?" Davian didn't really want to know.
"I mean did she try to hurt herself on purpose" the lady explained.
"No" just the thought of her doing that made his heart ache.
The old woman kept asking questions while Davian answered them as good as he could.

"It seems like she went through a lot" she said thinking.
"It is better to keep her away from anything that could cause her grief and sadness.
It seems like she had a tough childhood, maybe she felt unsafe for a long time. Give her love, safety and win her trust. Only love and trust can heal people."

"Give her love, safety and win her trust" was the only sentence that was going through his mind when he went to Allora's room at night.
"Don't pretend to be asleep to make me feel better" Davian walked towards the bed while Allora opened her dark eyes.
Allora supported herself on her elbows as she felt him putting one knee on the bed. He eyes traveled from her cleavage across her neck then her lips, which she licked as a reaction. He leaned down to kiss her. Allora returned the kiss holding his collar and pulling him down. He positioned himself above her kissing every inch of the delicate neck soon starting to suck on it causing red marks to appear. Allora let out a long and loud moan. Davian smirked smugly.
"You are indeed sensitive here" he licked the spot behind her ears.
His hands wandered on her body touching her inner thighs intimately.
"Davian please" she hardly could speak. His mouth was doing wonders on her neck.
"Please what?" he hummed and looked at her teary eyes. Her cheeks went red, and she avoided eye-contact.
Davian touched her dress-strap and played with it "answer the question, if you want me to continue, love" Davian's deep voice alone could bring her to her orgasm.
"You" she finely answered.
"Say my name, love" Allora's pupils rolled back into her head while her lips were parted, no voice coming out.
Davian was mesmerized, he did nothing, and she already was this messed up. That made him proud.
His lips wandered to her ears "can you still hear me?" his hand caressed her face.
"Davian" she whispered, her voice stuck in her throat. "Shh... just breath" he planted a kiss on her open lips.
"We have the whole night before us."

The next day Allora woke up early with Davian's arms wrapped around her waist.
She tried to break free, but his grip tightened.
"Davian, I need to go to the bathroom, Nikolai will soon come" she whispered in his ears and Davian smirked.
"He better come and see you in my arms, the boy wants to marry you" he joked.
"You are awake, let me go" she tried to push him but felt a shock in her body.
"Did you want to kill me yesterday?"
"I would never" he sounded so happy, Allora loved that.
"Alright, now let me go, I'm serious" she insisted.
"Kiss me first" he demanded. She planted a quick kiss on his lips and got up.
"I will wash up, put some clothes on" she said and went to the bathroom.

Vivian was burning in her jealousy, she was angry.
"I will kill her" she hissed.
"No, I know how we can win him back" the former queen said while caressing the back of Vivian.
"Your highness, why is this happening to me, her father destroyed our country and she is destroying my marriage" Vivian cried frustrated, and the queen hugged her.

In Allora's room

Allora got tired of telling Davian to leave since Nikolai was sad after he found them together and his right-hand Ezar kept pleading him and even went as far as to cry.
If Davian stayed that meant one thing, Ezar was going to do the whole work and he had enough. The man hadn't time to sleep.

Davian finally had mercy and left. She ended up sitting with Nikolai, who didn't want to talk to her, because he was filled with unreasonable jealousy.

"Nikolai look we can go the garden and play catching" she beamed.
"You love dad more" the boy was really sad.
"No, I like you both equally but differently" she pouted her lips "please, what can I do so you forgive me."
"Alright, but you have to spend the whole week with me."
She extended her pinkie for a pinkie-promise "deal."

A week passed by, and Davian hadn't seen Vivian anywhere.
He was in his office when his mother stormed in shouting "did you see the results of your actions, after all she did for you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Vivian tried to kill herself" Davian quickly stood up "where is she?"
"In her room, the physician is treating her."
He walked to Vivian's room, where he found Allora embracing Nikolai in her arms, who was crying non-stop.
"Oh god, Nikolai" after hearing his father's voice he let go of Allora and ran to his father.
Davian lifted him up and hugged him tightly frowning his eyebrows.
"Is mother going to die?" Nikolai sniffed.
"No, Nikolai, she will not" he responded and wiped away the child's tears.
Allora felt out of the place, she walked out of the room without anybody noticing.
She was worried, but also jealous. How could she not be? Vivian had everything.
She knew she shouldn't be thinking about negative stuff but how could she just stop the thought-flow.

That night and the night after it, Davian didn't visit her. Even Nikolai didn't show up.
Allora felt empty inside, no matter how much people tell you they love you, in the end they wouldn't chose a stranger.
Right, she was a stranger. Vivian was a part of the family.
Actually, after a long thought... nobody ever loved her to the point of staying.
Not her mother, not Ivan, not even Lily. Nobody.
Memories of Ivan were flashing back in her mind. She remembered how nice of a kid he was at first, how he loved her and wanted to marry her. Allora always thought it was a teenage fantasy, but oh boy the teenager was obsessed with her, going as far as to kill everyone, who proposed to her. As he aged, he became more terrifying, and she started to hate him.
Suddenly the thought of that night came back. He was extremely drunk, which was not something new. As bazar as it sounded Allora was used to it.
For some reason everybody in the castle wanted to sleep with her and the only reason stopping them was the fact that she belonged to Ivan. But Ivan had no reason stopping him from what he wanted to do her, so she had to run and hide in random rooms. He always found her.
That night Ivan was waiting for her in her room sitting on the bed. He was tapping his foot on the floor expressing his impatience while he held his head in his hands.
The moment Allora slowly stepped in the room, he quickly stood up and walked to her.
"Where were you?"
"I was in the king's chamber" Allora looked tired but that didn't stop him.
"The great king of Sanctus sent a letter to your father saying that he would end the war if he gave you to him" Ivan was fiercely angry to say the least.
She didn't say anything, he got angrier stepping nearer.

She shook her head ignoring the memories.
Today she decided to have breakfast outside, it was spring, and she wanted to enjoy the sun.
She put on a nice green dress, styled her hair and put on some makeup. Today she was going to feel pretty and happy, she promised herself.

An Invitation To Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora