Chapter 15

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After going g to the garden, she noticed Vivian from afar sitting with the former queen.
She just ignored them and had her breakfast. The silence didn't last long.
From where she was sitting, she could hear the quick steps of Davian heading towards his wife, her eyes sensing a glimpse of a smile around Vivian's lips, as if she had triumphed. Vivian quickly got up from her seat, her hands hugging each other while her head was bent down. She bit her lower lip, her cheeks going red when Davian approached her, raising his palms, surrounding her cheeks to which she closed her eyelids in reaction.

Allora fingers clenched around the spoon tightly as she moved it slowly. Her pupils did not leave the scene that was playing before her.
She felt jealous but she tried to push these thoughts to the back of her mind.

No matter how hard she tried, she was a third party and it seemed that Davian was happy with his wife. Maybe he has noticed how perfect Vivian was in comparison to her.
She thought about why she had agreed to be with him.
Allora really looked like the villain who ruined an entire family!
With the attempt of ignoring the aching in her heart she tried to put her focus on her surroundings. The trees, the stature, and the sunbeams.
Allora couldn't stand it. She harshly hit the spoon in the plate, issuing a sound that she didn't expect. Was she feeling anger? Or maybe self-hatred? She was separating two people.
"I must get out of here as soon as possible."
She stood up and quickly walked inside the castle.
For the next three days Allora avoided him. It wasn't that hard, since Davian also didn't pay attention to her.
He had what he wanted, and he soon would throw her away, just like what Vivian said.
After feeling better for a day, she went back to her sleepless nights and loss of appetite.

A week later, Allora met Davian in the hallway with some of the royals.
"Allora" he said happily and tried to reach for her hands, but she stepped away.
"What is wrong?" Davian asked worried.
"Don't touch me" she shouted at him. He raised an eyebrow.
She wasn't able to control her overflowing emotions. On top of that everybody was eyeing her in a judging manner.
Davian glanced at her appearance, she looked exactly like the day he met her at the war.
"Allora" he wanted to continue, but what could he say. He neglected her for two weeks. It was his fault. He was worried about Vivian and forgot how fragile his little princess was.
"Davian, I want to go to Lily, I don't want to be here anymore, you told me I can go whenever I want" Allora said desperately.
His blue eyes got colder, while his jaw clinched. Was she referring to leave him.
"Wait for me in the room" he was irritated.
Allora could hear how cold his voice sounded.
She wanted to protest but Davian's gaze was terrifying. She immediately felt the urge to lower her gaze, but she was too enraged to stop. The redness spread all over her face and her hands formed into a firm fist, her knuckles turning white. Her brown eyes rose with heat, warning that her tears would fall at any second.
That is why she turned around to continue her walk, not wanting to show her weakness.

"How could your highness allow her to exceed his majesty's limits!" one of the royals spoke in a low voice.

"Don't dig your nose in my business" that sounded even worse.

That day Davian quickly finished his work so that he could go to her.
He held the cold handle of the doorknob and attempted to open it. The two guards on both sides of the door were looking at him.
"Is she inside?" he had a feeling she wouldn't be there.

One of them answered with a shivering voice "she didn't come back since afternoon."

Davian felt the anger raising up in him "search for her" his voice was cold.

"Yes, your majesty" they answered in unison and he went inside the room.
Something was off. All her clothes, her hairbrush, her hair ornaments, and her jewelry were still in places, but something was strongly wrong.
He sat on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. A sigh left his throat.
If he catches her, he's going to tight her to the bed. This thought made him feel uneasy.
Allora had a complicated personality, which he was trying to deal with in the best way possible.
He already told her he was madly in love with her, and he would do anything to win her, but judging from her actions he knew she didn't believe him. She was going to leave him.
What was he supposed to do? He was feeling exhausted.

After sitting with the family council, Davian discovered that he was not able to divorce his recent wife. He had no other choice. Davian was already planning on taking her as his second wife, but he knew his beloved Allora would never agree.
She would hate him.

The doors opened and her petite figure appeared. Davian stood up and quietly stepped towards her. Her eyes were blood red.
"You were crying" he raised his right hand to touch her left cheek.
This time she didn't turn away or scream.

"What is wrong my love?" he tried to hide his feelings and push the negative thoughts away. Davian didn't want to scare her out.

"I don't want to talk, I'm really tired and I want to take rest. Can we do that later?" her voice was just above a whisper and hoarse.

"Do you want me to stay here?" he hoped she would say yes.

"I cannot order his majesty around, but I would prefer to be alone."
She never called him his majesty. Is she provoking him?

"Allora, please I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?"
"Davian please I beg you to leave me alone today, is it this hard?"

"Allora" Davian wrapped his arms around her torso, she was trembling. Allora couldn't endure physical touch, but Davian was different. She liked to be touched by him.
"Davian" he smelled like heaven, but he wasn't hers
"Is Vivian feeling better?" she asked out of nowhere.

"Allora" his hand wandered from her waist to her neck. She leaned into his touch revealing the other side of her neck. He didn't wait long and quietly bent his head to her level and caressed the skin of her neck with the tip of his nose. She felt shivers all over her spin.

Suddenly he started placing light kisses on her delicate skin.
Allora didn't want to do that.
She was fed up with sitting in the background, she just wanted him for herself, she didn't want to share him with other women. But he already had a wife and a son, it was not her who should be having him.

"Davian" unintentionally it came out as moan out of her lips.
But it quickly followed with a harsh "STOP."
He did.
"Davian I'm tired."
"I'm sorry I was carried away" he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed, put her down and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Good night!" he whispered in a low tone and stood up to go outside.

Now was the best opportunity to leave the palace.
She checked everywhere earlier, and she knew where all the guards were and where to sneak out without getting caught.
Allora had a plan.
She stood up from her spot and packed the things she needed for her escape.
She needed a sword, however, there wasn't one anywhere near her room which was not a problem because she already had brought two knives from the kitchen. Allora put everything in her small cloth bag, wore her black hooded silk coat and pulled the hood over her head.
She was ready.
The next day
Davian couldn't wait until sunrise. Something was wrong with Allora, she had never pushed him away that way.
He changed his clothes and went to her room.
Entering the chamber, he walked directly to the bed. She was not here. It seemed normal since she couldn't sleep anyway. He walked to the bathroom, change room and then the balcony. His heart itched when she was nowhere to be found. He shouted to the guards outside.
Days passed by and Davian was starting to lose his mind. They couldn't find Allora anywhere, she just disappeared.
His little one was gone, and he didn't know where. Allora was sick and it was not safe for her to be alone in the wilderness.
Davian missed her so much it hurt him. He couldn't even understand how he once lived without her. After what he experienced with her, he would rather die than have another day without her.
He was drinking like crazy and spending the nights in her chamber. He needed her scent.
Yes, Allora was not the happiest or most cheerful person, but she made him feel alive.
Even Nikolai asked about her several times, he missed her too.

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