Chapter 2 •Reflections•

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This whole day is honestly just you doing dumb shit. Just kidding you were overreacting! Its going to be the usual as every other day. Get ready for either work or college, check your mail and Gmail if you got any important announcements, cook yourself some breakfast to at least start the day in a good mood, go to work or college, do chores if you got any for the day, and lastly relax. Usually the ‘relax’ part rarely happens since you’d just want to sleep at the end.. which sucks ass honestly.

At least today you don't gotta go to work, but today's a college day.. YAY!!

You groaned having that thought of doing homework and studies and extra dibshit of the day while you fixed yourself in the bathroom.
Soon afterwards you quickly stepped downstairs of your home and went to the kitchen, playing some faint music in the background just to wake you up a bit.

Plus, at least the music prevents the whole house from being silent. You tend to.. stay away from a silent house. Yeah, your not that much of a singer and all, but that doesn't stop you from having a music taste of course. Plus, it's just hard living alone in general. Yeah don't get it wrong you absolutely love having your own little apartment and finally becoming mature enough to have your own home.. but it gets lonely.

Plus another thing that's preventing you from getting a lovely companion is that.. well.. your parents are allergic to a lot of house pets, (yeah your parents live across the fucking planet but you don't want them to get a reaction if they ever come over, HUGE bad start to a reunion.) Although, it's always a thought, you'll get one in the near future.

Opening the fridge, you felt a cold tingle in your hand as you reached in for a SunnyD to bring with you as you were gonna drive out to get breakfast first. Closing the fridge you walked towards the living room and grabbed your satchel bag which was hanging off of a corner of the couch. Stumbling and quickly putting on your socks, you slipped on your shoes and opened the door.

“hmm I need eggs.. new air filters.. should I check if there's good deals on new clothing..?” You mumbled to yourself as you slouched and pushed the shopping cart around the supermarket. You were tired shitless and even after that you got homework to do. Ugh. And now you gotta go chore shopping basically because the air quality at your house is absolute shit.

You sighed looking through the supermarket a bit more. Strolling past the snack isles, you were tempted to get some stuff because obviously you had food cravings.. but now is not the time since your bank balance is lower than usual.

You grumbled as you rested both of your elbows on the cart handle and continued walking towards the frozen foods.

Milk.. frozen meats.. cheese.. juice.. fuck I want juice so badly right now. You groaned again and yet again walked away knowing you don't want an empty wallet at the end of the day. Yogurt.. eggs.. oh wait eggs!

You opened the freezing fridge, searching through the different eggs, checking if any of them have a full set that isn't cracked with eggs. Finally finding a good set, you carefully placed it on the cart so none of them cracked. Instantly you headed straight towards the household shit, trying to find your air filters.

You decided to scratch up the idea of getting deals off of other items since you already know it won't do your account balance any good.

You walked over to the area searching each isle yet again just to get filters, until you finally stumbled upon them quicker as they were the second isle you came across. More faster than the eggs.

Finding the right size for the filter you were looking for, you were lucky it wasn't sold out since there was only one left. Quickly you grabbed it and quickly made it to the self checkout, thinking about going home right that instant.

While packing up your items on the shopping bag and proceeding your way out of the boring ass supermarket, you couldn't help but remember that dream you had the other night, the one about the ‘trolls’. You remembered how jolly and small and happy they were. And comparing your life to their lives, you can obviously tell who got it more complicated.

You shook your head and sighed. It's a fucking dream, what would you think? As you walked towards your car.

“Fucking finally this betch needs to sleep” Walking inside and locking the door behind you. You slipped off your shoes and went towards to fridge to place your eggs in there. Laying your air filters beside the couch, your lazy ass decided to just do it tomorrow since you had a day off tomorrow.

Climbing up the the stairs you headed towards the bathroom, you almost slipped from the steps from your tiresome day of just school and chores. Any sane person would say you'd need sleep. You flicked the light switch to see yourself in the mirror, although instead of seeing yourself.. you sought yourself from that one troll dream in the reflection.

The plain tan tee shirt and dark colored shorts. Your troll fuzz hair was visible as you saw your light grey troll body and (y/f/c aka your favorite color) curly ish troll hair poking out just like more other trolls was all visible through your reflection.. which scared the absolute shit out of you.


Quickly, you rubbed your eyes and saw you. Your normal reflection once again. You twitched your eye thinking you’ve gone insane or not. “holy shit bruh.. that was from my dream.“ you looked at yourself at the mirror yet again with both your hands pressing up against the counter. It was just your normal self but you couldn't get that.. image.. out of your head.

It took you a good minute before you took the toothbrush and started to do the usual. You still thought about what just happened, but managed to calm yourself down and to believe yourself that you’ve been drugged or hallucinating or some shit. You probably were.

Spitting out the toothpaste you glanced at yourself at the mirror yet again and it was still yet your original reflection. Maybe that really was just me hallucinating. You were relieved as you put away the toothbrush and headed out of the bathroom. Closing all the lights you headed towards your room, closing the door behind you.

You searched through your closet to put on some PJs, since it's better sleeping at least in something comfortable instead of Walmart vest or ‘going outside’ clothes.

You got changed and walked towards the bed, ready for your full hours of sleep this time. You were happy that you were finally getting sleep with the time off tomorrow, as you climbed on the bed and cozied yourself in the blankets, getting ready to experience a lifetime once again.

You woke up and right in front of you was once again the bright blue sky.

oh god.

You felt the bump behind your back.. once again as well.

Don't fucking tell me.

You slowly got up, recognizing every single thing, as everything was familiar to you. As finally you looked at your hands and yourself. Same light grey fuzzy hands with four fingers. Same tan tee with the dark shorts. Same ass place and surroundings.

God fucking damnit bruh.

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