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"Hear me out, I was raised there for years." Sunghoon gave a grin, "I moved when I was like, 14 or something like that. It'd be cool to relive my childhood again."

I stared at him blankly, I found it hard to believe Sunghoon actually lived in Jeonju for a bit. Matter of fact, I don't think I even recalled a boy in my town with his name.

I thought for a little. Maybe I should bring him.

"You? Jeonju?" I laughed as he started at me seriously.

"No, I'm serious Seoyeon. I'll even bring up pictures." He pulled out his phone, scrolling for a bit and then showing me some childhood pictures.

I laughed at first, at his little baby face, the classic bowl cut, every asian kid had growing up. But then his face, I took ahold of his phone and scrolled, till I looked a picture of him posing with a girl.

That girl, being me, from years ago too.

The smile on my face dropped.

"Sunghoon, that is literally me." I zoomed in on the two of us. Sunghoon looked over and too, his smile dropped. We just stared in complete shock.

"My parents have like, millions of photos with you..." Sunghoon suddenly uttered, and I looked at him, he looked at me.

"Oh my god you're right, I remember now." I covered my mouth with the palm of my hand, "You were the kid I went with everywhere. How did I even forget.." 

The cloud of realisation came over us, and we just laid in awe, staring at old childhood photos of us, individually and photos with the two of us. It was crazy to me that we actually knew each other beforehand.

How did I even manage to forget this guy? He was like, my only childhood friend.

"See, I knew I hung out with a certain person in specific, but for it to be you? Crazy." Sunghoon began to get cozy on my bed, propping the pillow up and covering himself with the blankets.

"Are you complaining?" I raised an eyebrow, shooting my head to look at him. He slowly turned his head to look at me, stayed silent, and then turned back round.

I lightly slapped him on the shoulder for that.

"Just wait till I call Chaeyoung over." I shook my head, pretending to look for Chaeyoung's contact. Sunghoon seemed to panic, and instinctively reached for my phone, holding it up high so that I wouldn't even be able to grab it.

I didn't even try and grab it.

"Don't you even dare." He stared at me, serious about this now, he turned around, so his back was facing me. This man was going through my phone.

I leant over him, checking to see what he was doing that required him to hide my phone away from me.

Sunghoon was literally just going through my conversations, pictures, camera roll, social media accounts, all of the above. I simply watched him, I didn't have much to hide, so I had no problem.


I found myself waking up to my alarm, standard protocol every morning, thankfully, break starts after this day, so it's the last day of waking up so early for now.

I lift my head from what I thought was my pillow - turns out it was not. I stared, blinking rapidly at what the hell was going on.

Both pillows were scattered on the floor, one blanket thrown somewhere, the cover only half on the bed. And the bear? The bear was near the door for some reason.

I stared at Sunghoon, comfortably sleeping with no pillow, the cover half off him. Isn't his neck or back going to hurt?

I still wondered how I managed to fall asleep with this guy here. I always thought it was strange how that happened, like if I fell asleep first, wouldn't it make sense for him to leave my room?

Maybe he fell asleep first and I fell asleep afterwards. I don't know, either way, he was here now, I guess.

Sunghoon let out a groan, opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling.

"Your head is heavy as fuck." Were the first words that came out of Sunghoon's lips.

I curled my lip slightly at his rude ass words in the morning.

"Nobody asked you to keep me company." I rolled my eyes, just sat on my bed, thinking what to do next.

He pulled me to lay down on his chest, his arm over my shoulders. We just lay there for a bit, thinking about whatever.

"Why do you have an alarm set three hours before your lecture." He suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Normally, I have to get ready, but I can't even be bothered today." I groaned, still in the morning daze.

Sunghoon gently nodded, agreeing with me.

"I'm not going to get up by the way." He whispered, closing his eyes again.

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now