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Storming through the halls, I unlocked the dorm of mine, Sunghoon's and Chaeyoung's. Nabi followed closely behind, looking around.

I immediately head straight to Chaeyoung's room, this time carefully looking at where she could've put things that didn't belong to her.

I checked under her mattress, on the vanity desk, each individual drawer was checked, checked her closet and some other places too.

I thought I was really exaggerating with Chaeyoung being the one who stole my stuff at this point, I couldn't find anything of mine, aside from that shirt she was wearing.

"Hey Seoyeon! Isn't this yours?" Nabi yelled from the bathroom of Chaeyoung's room. I stormed in, staring at the concealer, lipstick, lip oil, highlighter in her hands, and then at the counter where my perfume lay.

At this moment, fury couldn't even describe how I felt. I snatched my stuff from the counters and from Nabi's hands, unsure of how I was even supposed to confront Chaeyoung about this.

But speaking of which, Chaeyoung entered her room, looking at me and Nabi in confusion.

"What the hell are you guys doing in here?!" She glared at us, angered.

"What the fuck are my things doing in your goddamn room?!" I yelled at her, frustration leaving my body in waves, "And my fucking shirt you're wearing right now."

Chaeyoung swallowed hard, Sunghoon suddenly popped from behind Chaeyoung, wondering what the shouting was about.

"I was only borrowing them!!!" Chaeyoung tried to persist with her argument.

"You fucking stole them, you didn't ask nor did you even tell me." My heart was heavy with built up rage, "My fucking god you're intolerable." I groaned loudly, not even wanting to listen to her.

"We're literally roommates! What the fuck do you expect Seoyeon?!" Her words made me stop though, I looked at her, a thousand lethal knives spitting from my eyes.

"Hey. Chaeyoung. Get your shit together, otherwise you'll be out of this dorm too." I didn't raise my voice this time, I just spoke to her in a low tone, the room full with chills.

Chaeyoung gave a scoff, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Bitch? Do you even know who you're talking to right now?" Chaeyoung decided to add fuel to the fire, and Nabi widened her eyes, her mouth agape.

Sunghoon pressed his lips together in silence, watching this scene go down. I made eye contact with Sunghoon, staring at him with pure annoyance. 

"Thanks for keeping her in this dorm." I told him, walking straight past him and out of Chaeyoung's room. Chaeyoung being here was partially my fault, but either way, Sunghoon did have the ability to kick her out.

"Seoyeon! Wait!" Sunghoon reached to grab my arm, he spun me around and stared at me for a while, eyes sparkling and round with concern.

"Don't even fucking talk to me right now, how about you go giggle and joke with your little best friend Chaeyoung?" I retract my arm away from his, dismissing his worried look and turning around.

Nabi caught up to me, silently following beside me. I opened the door to the dorm and left, slamming it shut once again.

"Wow, that girl has the audacity." Nabi said in disbelief, shaking her head as we walked out of the university completely.

"Tell me about it, she's lucky I was raised well because I would've slapped the shit out of that girl and given her bald patches for life." I snarled, crossing my arms as we walked along the streets of Seoul.

"To be honest, you probably should've. The hell was she even talking about, just because you're roommates she can take what's yours? Pfft, most pathetic excuse I've heard." Nabi gave a bitter chuckle, she was so right, it was the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard in my life.

"Now that I think about it, I probably should've receded her hairline a little." I sighed, maybe violence really was the answer when it comes to Chaeyoung.

"You wanna go for drinks? I need to get Chaeyoung's irritating voice out of my head." Nabi offered, and I looked at her, not even slightly against that idea.

"You don't even need to ask me twice, let's go." I nodded, Sunghoon and Chaeyoung were really irritating me. The thing that surprised me the most is Sunghoon though, the way he was so ignorant towards Chaeyoung before we dated, and now? I'm the one who feels like the side chick.

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